Fleet Forward Initiative

Washington, DC – Americans for a Stronger Navy, an education and advocacy group dedicated to promoting the strength and readiness of the U.S. Navy, today announced a major initiative aimed at addressing some of the Navy’s most pressing concerns. The “Fleet Forward” plan focuses on key areas including:

  • Declining fleet size
  • Improving shipyards and maintenance programs
  • Expanding the fleet
  • Enhancing the training, readiness and support services of Navy personnel

The U.S. Navy is facing numerous challenges, including declining fleet size and aging infrastructure. The “Fleet Forward” plan will work to address these concerns by supporting the Navy’s proposed strategy for “Distributed Maritime Operations, which will allow the Navy to be more effective in responding to a rapidly changing global security environment.

Under “Fleet Forward,” Americans for a Stronger Navy will advocate for the development of new and improved shipyards and maintenance programs, as well as the expansion of the Navy’s fleet with the latest and most technologically advanced ships. This will ensure that the U.S. Navy remains a powerful and capable force that is equipped to protect American interests and defend the country against emerging threats.

The initiative will also advocate the prioritization of the development of trained personnel and shipyards to meet the needs of Navy programs. Americans for a Stronger Navy will work to ensure that the Navy has the trained personnel and resources needed to operate effectively and efficiently in the face of new and complex challenges. To follow along with out progress click on this link to the Fleet Forward watch.

“At a time when global security threats are growing and the U.S. Navy is facing numerous challenges, we must act to ensure that our nation has a strong and capable navy,” said a spokesperson for the Washington D.C. based Americans for Stronger Navy. “With the Fleet Forward initiative, we are taking concrete steps to address the key issues facing the Navy and ensuring that the U.S. remains a dominant maritime power for generations to come.”

For more information about the “Fleet Forward” initiative, or to learn how you can support Americans for a Stronger Navy subscribe our newsletter.

About Americans for a Stronger Navy:
Americans for a Stronger Navy is a community based education and advocacy group dedicated to promoting the strength and readiness of the U.S. Navy. Our mission is to educate the public and policymakers on the importance of a strong navy to America’s security and to advocate for policies that support the Navy’s ability to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing global security environment.