Ensuring Naval Dominance in Uncertain Times

Recent developments reported by the Navy Secretary, Carlos Del Toro, to the Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee illuminate the critical challenges and operational demands facing the U.S. Navy. Amid 130 direct attacks over six months and a significant munition shortfall, the testimony underscores the urgent need for enhanced naval capabilities and support.

Key Takeaway

* The U.S. Navy’s ability to defend against frequent hostile actions and its urgent need for funding to replenish critical munitions highlights the indispensable role of naval forces in maintaining national and global security.

* The recent combat use of Standard Missile 3s (SM-3) further underscores the Navy’s forefront position in technological defense advancements.

Facing Frequent Threats

Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro revealed that U.S. warships have fended off 130 direct attacks in the Middle East over the past six months, demonstrating the volatile environment in which our forces operate. This significant number of attacks highlights the constant threats our naval forces face and the critical role they play in deterrence and defense.

Financial Strain and Legislative Urgency

The Navy is currently experiencing a $1 billion shortfall in munitions essential for these defenses. Del Toro’s appeal for Congress to approve additional funding is a stark reminder of the financial strains on military readiness. The delay in passing the national security supplemental funding by the House represents a critical bottleneck in supporting our naval operations.

Technological Advancements in Combat

The first-ever combat use of the SM-3 missile during the recent Iranian assault on Israel marks a significant milestone. This event not only demonstrates the Navy’s advanced capabilities but also the effectiveness of our current investments in missile defense technology.

Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) Block IIA guided missile

Del Toro’s confirmation of the SM-3’s deployment highlights the Navy’s capability to engage and neutralize threats from beyond the atmosphere.

Bipartisan Support for Global Security

Senator Patty Murray’s comments emphasize the bipartisan nature of national security and the global implications of a well-funded Navy. Her criticism of the House’s delay in passing the supplemental reflects the broader political dynamics that can impact military readiness and global stability.

Why This Matters

The ongoing operational challenges and financial needs of the U.S. Navy are not just matters of military preparedness but are essential to sustaining global peace and security. The capability to deploy advanced defensive technologies like the SM-3 in combat situations is critical to deterring aggressive actions by state and non-state actors, ensuring the safety of international waters and global trade routes.


The testimonies before Congress serve as a critical reminder of the stakes involved in maintaining a strong and responsive U.S. Navy. As we navigate these uncertain times, it is paramount that bipartisan support for naval funding is secured without delay. The strength and readiness of our naval forces are key to our national defense strategy and a cornerstone of our international security commitment.



At the Helm of Uncertainty: Charting a Course Through the Navy’s Budgetary and Operational Storms


In the vast and often tumultuous sea that is national defense, the US Navy stands as a beacon of strength and resilience. Yet, even the mightiest fleets face storms that test their mettle and resolve. Recent revelations about significant delays in critical shipbuilding programs amidst the rising tide of strategic competition underscore the challenges at the helm of America’s naval future.

The Heart of the Matter

As the Navy’s largest trade show, the Sea-Air-Space Exposition, unfolded without the customary briefings on marquee shipbuilding programs, the waves of concern grew taller. A damning internal report unveiled sweeping delays across four pivotal shipbuilding endeavors, casting shadows over our naval preparedness against the backdrop of an expanding Chinese fleet.

The Delays Unpacked:

The cascading delays, stretching from one to three years across various programs, reveal a complex web of supply chain disruptions, exacerbated by the global pandemic, and a pattern of changing designs mid-construction. At the core of this storm is not just a battle against time and resources, but a struggle to adapt and realign with the relentless pace of technological and geopolitical shifts.

Implications for Strategic Readiness:

The ripples of these delays extend far beyond the shipyards. They touch upon the very essence of our strategic readiness and our ability to project power across the globe. As we navigate through these troubled waters, the need for a resilient and adaptable naval force has never been more pronounced.

Charting a Course Forward

In the face of these challenges, the path forward demands more than just steadfast resolve; it requires a comprehensive reevaluation of our shipbuilding and procurement strategies. This involves not only addressing the immediate hurdles of supply chain and workforce shortages but also fostering a more agile and responsive industrial base that can weather the storms of uncertainty.

A Call to Action

As we stand at this critical juncture, the call to action resonates louder than ever. It is a call for collaboration between the Navy, Congress, and industry partners to forge innovative solutions that ensure the timely delivery of our future fleet. It is a call for vigilance and adaptability in the face of evolving threats and opportunities.


The journey ahead is fraught with challenges, yet it is within the tempest that the true strength of our Navy and our nation is forged. As we chart a course through these budgetary and operational storms with foresight, innovation, and unwavering commitment, we face a critical examination of our shipbuilding practices and the evolving demands we place upon them. Bryan Clark, a seasoned voice from the Hudson Institute, articulates this sentiment, noting, ‘The Navy just keeps larding new requirements on the ships. And each new generation is so much more sophisticated than the predecessor that inevitably you’re going to get to the point where you’re just asking too much of the shipbuilding industry to punch out the ships on quick timeliness.’ This reflection serves as a poignant reminder of the delicate balance between ambition and feasibility, urging us to navigate these waters with a keen eye on both the horizon and the depths beneath..

In the ever-evolving narrative of our Navy’s strength and readiness, each challenge we encounter is an opportunity to reaffirm our resolve and adaptability. Let’s engage in this crucial conversation, not as mere observers, but as active participants in shaping the future of American naval power. Together, we can navigate through the noise and chart a course towards a stronger, more resilient Navy.

Securing Tomorrow: The Critical Role of Hypersonic Capabilities in U.S. Naval Supremacy


In an era of unprecedented global challenges and technological advancements, the United States Navy’s pursuit of hypersonic capabilities emerges as a cornerstone of national defense and a testament to American ingenuity.

This blog post delves into the groundbreaking collaboration between the U.S. Navy and industry giants like Lockheed Martin, underscoring the pivotal role of hypersonic weapons in maintaining naval dominance and why every American should be invested in this endeavor.

The Vanguard of Defense: Hypersonic Weaponry

The significance of hypersonic technology in bolstering the Navy’s arsenal cannot be overstated. Capable of exceeding speeds of Mach 5, these weapons offer unmatched velocity and maneuverability, making them nearly invulnerable to existing defense systems.

This leap in military technology is not merely an upgrade; it’s a transformational shift in how power is projected on the world stage, ensuring that the U.S. remains ahead in the ongoing race for technological superiority against global adversaries.

A Landmark Partnership: Lockheed Martin and U.S. Navy

At the heart of this technological leap is the collaboration between the U.S. Navy and Lockheed Martin, a partnership that exemplifies the fusion of military strategy and private sector innovation.

The awarding of a contract to Lockheed Martin to integrate the Conventional Prompt Strike (CPS) system onto the Navy’s ZUMWALT-class destroyers marks a significant milestone. This endeavor not only enhances the Navy’s capabilities but also showcases the pivotal role of American industry in shaping the future of defense technology.

Why This Matters: Beyond Military Might

The integration of hypersonic capabilities into the Navy’s arsenal transcends military implications; it’s a matter of national pride and a reflection of the United States’ commitment to peace through strength.

These advancements ensure the Navy’s ability to protect American interests in every corner of the globe, reinforcing the U.S.’s position as a stabilizing force in an increasingly volatile world.

Moreover, the development and deployment of these technologies bolster the defense industry, a vital sector of the American economy, and a source of high-skilled jobs.

Why Americans Should Care: The Ripple Effect

Every American has a stake in the development of hypersonic capabilities, as these technologies play a crucial role in shaping the nation’s future security landscape.

The enhanced defensive and offensive capabilities provided by hypersonic weapons are instrumental in deterring aggression, ensuring that threats to peace and democracy are kept at bay.

Furthermore, the success of such high-stakes technological endeavors reinforces the U.S.’s reputation as a leader in innovation, inspiring the next generation of scientists, engineers, and military leaders.

Navigating the Future

As we look to the horizon, the importance of hypersonic capabilities and strategic partnerships like that of the U.S. Navy and Lockheed Martin cannot be understated.

These advancements are not just about maintaining a technological edge; they’re about securing a future where American values and interests are protected and promoted on the global stage.

As citizens of a nation that leads through innovation and strength, understanding and supporting these endeavors is paramount for ensuring a secure and prosperous tomorrow.

In conclusion, the pursuit of hypersonic capabilities is a clear indicator of the U.S. Navy’s commitment to advancing national defense in the 21st century.

This initiative, bolstered by partnerships with industry leaders, is essential for maintaining the U.S.’s strategic advantage and ensuring the safety and security of Americans at home and abroad. As such, it is an endeavor that deserves the attention and support of every American.

Guiding Stars: The Remarkable Journey of Gladys West and Her Pivotal Role in Shaping GPS Technology

Gladys West and Sam Smith look over data from the Global Positioning System, which West helped develop at the Naval Proving Ground in Dahlgren, Va., March 16, 1985.

Global positioning and Gladys West

In the annals of military and technological advancements, the contributions of certain individuals have paved the way for groundbreaking innovations that not only revolutionize defense strategies but also fundamentally transform our everyday lives.

One such unsung hero is Gladys West, whose mathematical genius and dedication were instrumental in developing the technology that underpins the Global Positioning System (GPS).

This blog post delves into West’s journey from a mathematician to a pivotal figure in modern navigation systems, shedding light on her remarkable contributions and the profound impact they’ve had on both military operations and civilian conveniences.

Why It Matters

Understanding the contributions of individuals like Gladys West matters profoundly, as it highlights the intersection of innovation, and perseverance. Recognizing West’s role not only honors her work but also serves as a beacon of inspiration for future generations, particularly women in STEM fields.

Her story is a testament to the idea that talent and determination know no bounds and that contributions to crucial technological advancements can come from the most unexpected places.

Breaking Barriers in the Navy

Gladys West’s story begins in Sutherland, Virginia, where she was born into a modest family. Despite the challenges of her early life on a family farm, West’s aspirations soared beyond the agricultural horizon. Her academic excellence earned her a scholarship to Virginia State College, where she graduated with a degree in mathematics. In 1956, the Navy recognized her talent and hired her as a mathematician at the Naval Proving Ground in Dahlgren, Virginia. There, her work would lay the groundwork for one of the most crucial technological tools of the modern era

Pioneering Work for GPS

During the 1970s and 1980s, West embarked on a project that would change the world. Using complex algorithms, she accounted for gravitational, tidal, and other forces affecting the Earth’s shape, programming the IBM 7030 computer to refine calculations for an accurate Earth model. This model became the foundation for the GPS orbit, a tool now integral to navigation, whether at sea, in the air, or on the ground.

Personal Insights and Legacy

Despite her monumental contributions to digital navigation, West maintains a fondness for traditional paper maps, a charming reminder of her roots in a pre-digital world. Retiring in 1998 after a distinguished 42-year career, West continued to break barriers, completing a doctorate in public administration. Her legacy is adorned with numerous accolades, including induction into the Air Force Space and Missile Pioneers Hall of Fame and the Prince Philip Medal by the Royal Academy of Engineering, underscoring her indelible impact on science and technology.

Implications For the Navy

West’s contributions have had a lasting impact on naval operations. The precision and reliability of GPS technology have revolutionized navigation, missile guidance, and strategic planning, enhancing the Navy’s capability to execute missions with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency.

For the Public

The ripple effects of West’s work extend far beyond military applications. Today, GPS technology underpins various aspects of civilian life, from navigation apps on smartphones to global logistics, emergency response systems, and even financial transactions, showcasing the pervasive influence of her work.


Gladys West’s journey from a mathematician to a linchpin in the development of GPS technology is a powerful narrative of innovation, perseverance, and the breaking of societal barriers. Her story serves as a crucial reminder of the hidden figures in our history whose contributions have shaped the modern world.

As we navigate our daily lives, often with the help of the technology West helped create, it’s essential to remember and celebrate the diverse minds and hands that have built the foundations of our contemporary conveniences. In doing so, we not only honor their legacy but also inspire future generations to dream big and break barriers, just as Gladys West did.

Charting the Course, Navigating the Future of Naval Power: The Navy’s Role in America’s New Warfighting Doctrine

Bill Cullifer. Founder

Today, we introduce the U.S. Navy’s new warfighting doctrine. According to the U.S.Navy, the doctrine not only reinforces the commitment to securing maritime freedom but also strengthens collaborative ties, ensuring the Navy remains a vanguard of global stability and security.


The unveiling of the new joint warfighting doctrine signifies an evolution, not a departure, from the traditional “peace through strength” stance. It reaffirms the U.S. Navy’s pivotal role as the global guardian of the seas, adapting to modern challenges while maintaining its foundational principles.

What’s New

This doctrine introduces a multi-domain approach, integrating land, air, sea, space, and cyber capabilities. It emphasizes agility, technological innovation, and a proactive stance in the dynamic security landscape.

Why Americans Should Care

The doctrine, according to the U.S. Navy ensures the U.S. remains at the forefront of global security, safeguarding national interests, and promoting international peace and stability.

Implications for the Navy

The Navy is set to benefit from enhanced strategic direction, capability development, and operational planning, ensuring it remains a formidable force in protecting global maritime interests.

Implications for Our Global Partners

The doctrine fosters stronger alliances and interoperability among international partners, uniting efforts in maintaining a secure global environment.


The new doctrine is a testament to the enduring value of “peace through strength,” with the Navy continuing to serve as a cornerstone of global security and stability. Supporting a strong, adaptable Navy is more crucial than ever in navigating the complexities of contemporary and future threats.

HII Launches Massachusetts: A New Milestone for the Virginia-Class Submarine Program

Massachusetts (SSN 798)

The Virginia-class submarine program is one of the most successful and vital naval programs in the history of the United States. Since 2004, the Navy has commissioned 24 Virginia-class submarines, each one providing unparalleled stealth, speed, and firepower to the fleet.

These submarines are designed to operate in both open-ocean and littoral environments, and can perform a variety of missions, including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, special operations, and strike warfare.

On February 23, 2024, the Navy and HII (Huntington Ingalls Industries) celebrated another milestone for the Virginia-class program: the launch of the 25th submarine, Massachusetts (SSN 798), at the Newport News Shipbuilding division. Massachusetts is the 12th submarine delivered by Newport News, which is one of only two shipyards in the country capable of designing and building nuclear-powered submarines. The launch of Massachusetts marks the completion of the major construction phase of the submarine, and the beginning of the final outfitting, testing, and crew certification process.

Why This Matters

Bill Cullifer, founder

The launch of Massachusetts is not only a remarkable achievement for the Navy and HII, but also a testament to the importance of the Virginia-class program for the national security and economic prosperity of the United States. As the Navy faces increasing challenges and threats from near-peer competitors and rogue actors around the world, the Virginia-class submarines provide a critical edge and deterrent for the U.S. and its allies. These submarines are equipped with the latest technologies and innovations, such as the Virginia Payload Module, which increases the missile capacity of the submarines by 75 percent, and the acoustic superiority program, which enhances the stealth and survivability of the submarines.
The Virginia-class program also supports the industrial base and the workforce of the United States, creating thousands of jobs and generating billions of dollars in economic activity. According to a 2019 study by the University of Virginia, the Virginia-class program supports more than 23,000 direct and indirect jobs across 46 states, and contributes more than $4 billion to the U.S. gross domestic product annually. The program also fosters innovation and collaboration among the Navy, HII, General Dynamics Electric Boat, and hundreds of suppliers and subcontractors across the country.

Why Americans Should Care

The launch of Massachusetts is an occasion for all Americans to celebrate and appreciate the Virginia-class program and the men and women who make it possible. The Virginia-class submarines are not only the most advanced and versatile submarines in the world, but also the most cost-effective and efficient. The program has consistently delivered submarines ahead of schedule and under budget, thanks to the teamwork and dedication of the Navy and industry partners. The program has also achieved remarkable improvements in quality and performance, reducing the construction time and the number of issues per submarine by more than 50 percent since the first submarine was delivered.

The Virginia-class submarines are also a source of pride and inspiration for the American people, as they embody the values and ideals of the nation. The submarines are named after states, cities, and historical figures that represent the diversity and heritage of the United States. The submarines are crewed by some of the most talented and courageous sailors in the Navy, who volunteer to serve their country and protect its interests. The submarines are also a symbol of the strength and resolve of the United States, as they demonstrate the nation’s commitment to maintaining peace and freedom around the world.

About the History of the Virginia Class

The Virginia-class program was initiated in the late 1980s, as a response to the changing strategic environment and the need for a more flexible and adaptable submarine force. The program was designed to replace the aging Los Angeles-class submarines, which were optimized for open-ocean operations during the Cold War. The Virginia-class submarines were conceived to operate in both blue water and shallow water, and to perform a wider range of missions, such as land attack, special operations, and covert insertion and extraction of forces.
The first Virginia-class submarine, Virginia (SSN 774), was authorized by Congress in 1998, and delivered to the Navy in 2004. Since then, the Navy has commissioned 24 Virginia-class submarines, with 10 more under construction and 11 more on contract. The current plan is to build a total of 66 Virginia-class submarines, which will constitute the backbone of the submarine force for decades to come.

The Virginia-class program is a joint effort between the Navy and two shipbuilders: HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding division and General Dynamics Electric Boat. The two shipyards share the construction workload, with each one building certain modules and sections of the submarines, and alternating the delivery of the final products. The two shipyards also collaborate on the design and engineering of the submarines, and implement continuous improvement initiatives to enhance the quality and efficiency of the program.

How Submarines Have Helped the US Navy

Submarines have been an integral part of the US Navy since the Revolutionary War, when the first American submarine, Turtle, attempted to attach a mine to a British warship in New York Harbor. Since then, submarines have played a vital role in every major conflict and operation involving the US Navy, from the Civil War to the War on Terror.

Submarines have helped the US Navy achieve several strategic objectives, such as:
• Denying the enemy access to the seas and vital resources, such as during the World War II submarine campaign against Japan, which crippled its economy and military.
• Providing intelligence and surveillance on the enemy’s activities and capabilities, such as during the Cold War submarine missions that collected valuable information on the Soviet Navy and its nuclear weapons.
• Delivering precision strikes on high-value targets, such as during the Gulf War and the War in Afghanistan, when submarines launched Tomahawk cruise missiles against enemy installations and leadership.
• Supporting special operations and covert actions, such as during the Vietnam War and the War in Iraq, when submarines inserted and extracted Navy SEALs and other special forces behind enemy lines.
• Deterring aggression and maintaining stability, such as during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the current Indo-Pacific region, when submarines provide a credible and survivable nuclear deterrent and a conventional response option.

Submarines have also contributed to the scientific and technological advancement of the US Navy and the nation, such as:
• Exploring the depths and mysteries of the oceans, such as when the submarine Trieste reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest point on Earth, in 1960.
• Developing and testing new technologies and systems, such as nuclear propulsion, sonar, navigation, communication, and weapons, that have enhanced the performance and capabilities of the submarine force and the entire Navy.
• Promoting innovation and excellence, such as by fostering a culture of learning, experimentation, and adaptation among the submarine community, and by attracting and retaining some of the best and brightest minds in the Navy and the nation.


The launch of Massachusetts is a remarkable achievement for the Navy and HII, and a significant milestone for the Virginia-class program. The Virginia-class submarines are the most advanced and versatile submarines in the world, and provide a critical edge and deterrent for the US and its allies. The Virginia-class program also supports the industrial base and the workforce of the US, creating thousands of jobs and generating billions of dollars in economic activity. The Virginia-class program is a source of pride and inspiration for the American people, as it embodies the values and ideals of the nation, and demonstrates the nation’s commitment to maintaining peace and freedom around the world.

The Americans for a Stronger Navy is a non-profit organization that advocates for a robust and modern naval force that can protect and advance the interests of the US and its allies. We believe that the Virginia-class program is essential for the national security and economic prosperity of the US, and we support the Navy and HII in their efforts to deliver these submarines to the fleet. We urge Congress and the administration to fully fund and sustain the Virginia-class program, and to ensure that the Navy has the resources and the authority to maintain and expand its submarine force.

We also encourage the American people to learn more about the Virginia-class program and the submarine force, and to support and appreciate the men and women who serve on these submarines. Together, we can make the US Navy stronger and the nation safer.

Can the Navy out-drone China? The Pacific’s new arms race


The U.S. Navy is rapidly advancing its unmanned systems program, particularly in the Pacific Ocean, to counter China’s growing threat. This blog post, based on an article by Patrick Tucker in Defense One, highlights the key developments and implications for the future of naval warfare.

Why This Matters:

The potential deployment of “hundreds of thousands” of drones in the Pacific has significant ramifications for regional security, technological warfare, and the future of naval combat.



The U.S. Navy’s drone program marks a significant shift in naval warfare, potentially transforming how future conflicts are fought. This blog serves as a springboard for further discussion and engagement within the Americans for a Stronger Navy community.

Navigating New Waters: The U.S. Navy’s Groundbreaking Deployment of Unmanned Ships and the Future of Naval Warfare

The littoral combat ship Gabrielle Giffords leads a formation with the unmanned surface vessels Ranger and Mariner on Sept. 7, 2023. (MC2 Jesse Monford/U.S. Navy)

Dear Members and Friends,

As advocates for a robust and future-ready U.S. Navy, we constantly seek developments that shape our naval forces. Today, we bring to your attention a significant advancement in naval technology and strategy.

Unprecedented Deployment of Unmanned Ships

In a historic move, the U.S. Navy has completed its first deployment of four unmanned ships – Sea Hunter, Sea Hawk, Mariner, and Ranger. This deployment marks a pivotal moment in naval operations, integrating unmanned technology into the fleet.

The Pacific Voyage

The deployment spanned five months, with these prototypes sailing a combined 46,651 nautical miles and visiting ports in Japan and Australia. A noteworthy aspect was their autonomous mode operation, showcasing advanced technology and strategic capability.

Testing and Integration into Fleet Operations

Under the oversight of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, this deployment aimed to test the integration of unmanned ships with crewed fleet operations. The insights gained from this exercise are crucial in refining operations and sustainment concepts for future deployments.

Command and Control Successes

A significant achievement was the effective command and control of these vessels, operated remotely or autonomously. This aspect of the operation represents a major advancement in naval warfare technology and strategy.

Challenges and Future Developments

Despite successes, integration of the USV into the broader sensor and shooter network remains a challenge. The upcoming Integrated Combat System promises to enhance data sharing and operational efficiency across the fleet.

Featured Coverage and Insights


As we witness these remarkable advancements, it’s essential to remember the words of the great naval leader, Admiral Chester Nimitz: “A ship is more than a mere vessel; it embodies the will and intent of those who sail her.” These unmanned ships are not just technological marvels; they represent the innovative spirit and strategic foresight of the U.S. Navy.

We, at Americans for a Stronger Navy, are excited about these developments and remain committed to supporting a strong, technologically advanced, and strategically adept U.S. Navy.

Stay informed, stay engaged, and let’s sail forward to a stronger future!

US Navy Receives First Orca Unmanned Submarine from Boeing

Hello, members and friends of Americans for a Stronger Navy. We have some exciting news to share with you today. The Navy has received its first Orca Extra Large Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (XLUUV) from Boeing, following a series of tests at sea. This is a major milestone for the Navy’s unmanned undersea capabilities, and we are proud to support this innovative and game-changing program.

What is Orca and why is it important?

Orca is a new class of autonomous submarine that can perform long duration critical missions to achieve undersea maritime dominance in changing environments and contested waters. Orca is based on Boeing’s Echo Voyager, a prototype XLUUV that began at-sea testing in 2017 and was a precursor to the Navy’s Orca XLUUV competition. Echo Voyager has spent over 10,000 hours operating at sea and transited hundreds of nautical miles autonomously.

Orca is important because it provides the Navy with a new and versatile tool to enhance its undersea warfare capabilities and to deter and defeat potential adversaries. Orca can operate in areas that are too dangerous, too distant, or too denied for manned submarines, and can extend the Navy’s reach and persistence in the maritime domain. Orca can also complement and augment the Navy’s existing and future manned and unmanned undersea assets, and provide a cost-effective and scalable solution for the Navy’s undersea needs.

What are the implications for the Navy?

The delivery of the first Orca XLUUV is a significant achievement for the Navy and Boeing, and a testament to their innovation, perseverance, and unwavering commitment. The Navy plans to acquire five more Orca XLUUVs in the future, and to gradually ramp up the quantities and capabilities of these vehicles. The Navy will also conduct further testing and evaluation of Orca, and apply the lessons learned to improve the reliability and performance of the system.

The Navy’s acquisition of Orca XLUUVs is part of a broader effort to develop and deploy a variety of unmanned systems for the fleet, including unmanned surface vessels and unmanned aerial systems. The Navy’s vision is to integrate these systems into a networked and distributed force that can operate across all domains and domains, and to leverage the advantages of autonomy, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to enhance the Navy’s decision-making and effectiveness.

The Navy’s investment in Orca XLUUVs and other unmanned systems reflects the Navy’s recognition of the changing security environment and the technological developments that are eroding the U.S. military advantages. The Navy faces growing challenges and threats from China and Russia, who are developing and deploying advanced anti-access/area denial capabilities, such as submarines, missiles, and cyber weapons, to challenge the U.S. presence and influence in the Indo-Pacific and Europe. The Navy also faces emerging and evolving challenges from rogue regimes, such as Iran and North Korea, and violent non-state actors, such as terrorists and pirates, who pose threats to the U.S. interests and allies in the Middle East and Africa.

The Navy’s adoption of Orca XLUUVs and other unmanned systems demonstrates the Navy’s commitment and ability to adapt and innovate to meet these challenges and to maintain its maritime superiority. The Navy’s use of Orca XLUUVs and other unmanned systems also reaffirms the Navy’s role and responsibility as the “keepers of the peace” in a turbulent and uncertain world, and as a vital partner and leader in the international community, working with allies and partners to uphold the rules-based order and to promote peace and security.

What others are saying


We at Americans for a Stronger Navy congratulate the Navy and Boeing on the delivery of the first Orca XLUUV, and we look forward to seeing more of these vehicles in the fleet. We believe that Orca XLUUV is a critical and revolutionary capability that will enhance the Navy’s undersea warfare and deterrence posture, and that will support the Navy’s strategic plan and its 30-year shipbuilding plan.

We urge Congress and the public to support the Navy’s acquisition and development of Orca XLUUV and other unmanned systems, and to provide the necessary funding and oversight for their implementation. We also encourage the Navy to continue to improve its performance and accountability, and to foster a culture of innovation and excellence.

We also commend the Navy for its continued engagement and cooperation with its allies and partners, and for its dedication and service to the nation and the world. We stand with the Navy, and we thank them for their service and sacrifice.

A Stronger Navy, a Peaceful World: This Christmas, We Honor the Keepers of the Peace

To our members, friends and supporters:

On this Christmas Day, amidst the joy and warmth of the season, we pause to remember another kind of sacrifice: the unwavering dedication of the men and women who stand watch on the vast oceans, guardians of our freedom and keepers of the peace.

Bill Cullifer, Founder

These brave sailors, our Navy, dedicate their lives to a mission both noble and perilous. They sail amidst the ever-present dangers of the seas, facing not just the fury of nature, but the potential threats that could disrupt the fragile tapestry of global peace.

Our Commitment to Naval Power:

This Christmas, as we reflect on the values of peace and security, we at Americans for a Stronger Navy reaffirm our dedication to supporting the vital role of the U.S. Navy. Through our rich and diverse blog content, featuring expert insights and in-depth analysis, we provide a valuable resource for understanding the challenges and opportunities facing the naval domain.

Our blog delves into timely topics like the Navy’s recent success in testing unmanned surface vessels, proving its commitment to cutting-edge technology even as we celebrate Christmas. We also dive deep into emerging challenges like those faced in the Red Sea and the Suez Canal, reminding us that the Navy’s vigilance never sleeps, even during holidays. From China and Russia to the Indo-Pacific and the Aleutian Islands, we explore the spectrum of naval news and stories, featuring expert insights on technology, innovation, readiness, budget, personnel, and history. Join the conversation on how we can best support its vital mission.p

Charting the Course:

Our educational series, “Charting the Course: Navigating the Future of American Naval Power,” delves deeper into critical trends and developments shaping the future of global maritime security. Explore webinars, podcasts, and articles to discover how the Navy adapts and innovates in the face of long-term competition and emerging threats. Stay tuned for ongoing updates and join the conversation on this crucial topic.

Charting the Course features insightful discussions on a variety of topics, including:

Yet, they do not falter. They stand firm, a silent bulwark against aggression, ensuring the safe passage of trade, protecting the innocent, and safeguarding the very foundations of a world that yearns for harmony.

This Christmas, as we gather with loved ones, consider the silent sentinels on distant ships. Remember their families, who face the holidays with an aching absence, their hearts intertwined with the vast expanse of the sea.

And let us pledge, not just our gratitude, but our unwavering support. For a stronger Navy is not just a fleet of steel and technology; it is a force for good in the world, a beacon of hope that deters conflict and fosters cooperation.

That is why we, at Americans for a Stronger Navy, dedicate ourselves to advocating for the resources and capabilities our Navy needs. In our first year, we have made strides, raising awareness, building bridges, and amplifying the voices of those who understand the crucial role the Navy plays in securing our future.

We invite you to join us at StrongerNavy.org, and discover ways you can become an advocate for peace through strength. Lend your voice, your time, your resources, and together, let us build a legacy of unwavering support for the keepers of the peace.

This Christmas, let us offer not just prayers, but action. Let us honor the Navy, not just with words, but with a commitment to ensuring they have the tools they need to safeguard our freedoms and pave the way for a brighter, more peaceful world.

Merry Christmas, and may the new year bring renewed hope, enduring peace, and a Navy strong enough to protect it all.

Bill Cullifer,

Founder Americans for a Stronger Navy