Americans for Stronger Navy Announced

Washington, D.C. –Americans for a Stronger Navy announces a community driven effort to support the modernization and expansion of the United States Navy

Washington D.C. – Americans for a Stronger Navy, a start up education and advocacy group dedicated to promoting the importance of a strong and modern Navy, today announced to support the modernization and expansion of the United States Navy with several key initiatives.

The grass roots organization will focus on educating the public and policymakers about the vital role the Navy plays in protecting America’s national security and economic interests, as well as the need for a larger and more technologically advanced fleet.

“The United States Navy is the backbone of our national defense and a key driver of our economic prosperity,” said , a spokesperson for the recently established Americans for a Stronger Navy. “It is essential that we invest in a larger and more advanced fleet to meet the growing security challenges of the 21st century.”

The Fleet Forward initiative for example will include a comprehensive public relations and lobbying campaign, as well as grassroots outreach to build support for increased funding for the Navy. The group will also work closely with members of Congress and the Administration to promote legislation and policies that support the modernization and expansion of the Navy.

“We will work tirelessly to build a coalition of support for a stronger Navy that includes veterans, business leaders, and national security experts,” said Smith. “Together, we can ensure that the United States Navy has the resources it needs to meet the challenges of the 21st century and protect the American people.”

For more information about Americans for a Stronger Navy and the Fleet Forward initiative, please visit our website at