As we prepare to launch our podcast series, “Charting the Course: Navigating the Future of American Naval PoIwer,” on December 7 2023.

I’ve had the privilege of engaging with multiple experts at the forefront of naval innovation and strategy.
These conversations have illuminated the significant technological strides and forward thinking in the U.S. Navy, particularly in the realm of autonomous vessels.
During a brief pause in these discussions, my thoughts drifted to the storied Army-Navy football game set for December 9, 2023. This annual event, steeped in tradition and camaraderie, sparked a curious reflection on the future intersection of technology and tradition.
In a creative moment, I envisioned autonomous Army and Navy football players – a fusion of technology and sport. This vision, while fascinating in a technological sense, also stirred a poignant realization.
The rapid evolution of autonomous technologies, while enhancing our naval capabilities, might also mean that future generations could miss out on traditional experiences. The prospect of serving at sea or competing on the football field might become memories of a bygone era.

This duality is at the heart of our upcoming series. While we explore the technological advancements and their implications for national security, we must also acknowledge the sentimental aspects. The camaraderie of sailors at sea, the saltiness in the air, the taste of ballpark hot dogs, and the roar of the crowd at a football game – these are experiences that shape character, foster bonds, and define human experiences.
As members and friends of Americans for a Stronger Navy, you understand the delicate balance between embracing innovation and preserving tradition. Our naval history is rich with tales of bravery and unity, and our future promises unprecedented technological prowess.
Let’s embrace this journey together, exploring how these advancements will shape the U.S. Navy while remembering the human element that has always been its backbone. The future of American naval power is not just about ships and technology; it’s about the people who serve and the traditions that bind us.
Join us in this exploration. Tune into “Charting the Course,” and let’s navigate these waters together, honoring our past while boldly steering towards the future.