Strengthening Our Seas: The Vital Role of the U.S. Navy in Global Maritime Security

Photo shows the dhow transporting Iranian weapons to Houthi forces in Yemen. Photo: U.S. Central Command

A Perspective for Americans for a Stronger Navy

In the ever-evolving landscape of global maritime security, the U.S. Navy remains a pivotal force in maintaining the safety and order of international waters. The recent U.S. Navy operation, reported by Fox News offers a compelling example of this critical role.

A Decisive Operation in the Arabian Sea

On January 11, 2024, U.S. Navy SEALs aboard the USS LEWIS B PULLER, supported by helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), executed a complex night-time boarding of a dhow near the coast of Somalia. This operation, as detailed by news outlets resulted in the seizure of Iranian-made ballistic and cruise missile components intended for Houthi forces in Yemen. This significant interdiction not only disrupts the plans of those seeking to destabilize the region but also safeguards innocent mariners and vital shipping lanes.

The High Stakes of Maritime Security

The seized weapons, which include propulsion, guidance, and warheads for medium-range ballistic missiles and anti-ship cruise missiles, have been employed by the Houthis in their attacks against international merchant ships in the Red Sea. This seizure marks the first of its kind since the beginning of Houthi attacks against merchant ships in November 2023 and the first seizure of Iranian-manufactured advanced missile components by the U.S. Navy since November 2019. This operation underlines the Navy’s crucial role in enforcing international law and UN Security Resolution 2216.

The Cost of Vigilance

Tragically, this operation also involved the loss of two brave U.S. Navy SEALs, as reported by U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM). Their sacrifice is a stark reminder of the risks our service members face in securing our seas and the importance of supporting our naval forces.

The Broader Context: Iran’s Involvement

As news reports, the operation sheds light on Iran’s continued shipment of advanced lethal aid to the Houthis, a clear violation of U.N. Security Resolution 2216 and international law. This situation highlights the broader geopolitical challenges in the region and the need for a strong naval presence to counter such destabilizing activities.

Moving Forward

As members and friends of Americans for a Stronger Navy, we must advocate for a well-equipped and robust naval force. The recent operations by the USS LEWIS B PULLER are a testament to the Navy’s commitment to global maritime security. Let us continue to support our Navy in its crucial mission to maintain peace and stability on the high seas.