China Just Escalated in a BIG Way: A Closer Look at Recent Provocations

Bill Cullifer, Founder
Bill Cullifer, Founder

Brent Sadler, a former US Navy Captain, recently shed light on a significant escalation in the South China Sea. For months, China has been interfering with Philippine resupply operations to Second Thomas Shoal, employing tactics such as water cannons, shouldering, and forcefully towing vessels. These aggressive actions have resulted in severe injuries and damage to Philippine vessels.

A Line Drawn in the Sand

The seriousness of these provocations cannot be overstated. Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. highlighted the gravity of the situation, stating, “If a Filipino citizen was killed by a willful act, that is very close to what we define as an act of war.” Such a statement underscores the potential for these incidents to escalate into a broader conflict.

China’s actions have not gone unnoticed on the international stage. The 2016 international arbitration found China in violation of several articles of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, specifically regarding their obligation to settle disputes peacefully, respect the finality and binding force of decisions, and act in good faith.

The Risk of Escalation

The most recent incident, which resulted in severe injury to a Philippine sailor and damage to several vessels, risks triggering the U.S.-Philippines mutual defense treaty. This treaty obligates the U.S. to respond if Philippine forces are attacked, marking a potential serious escalation in the region.

The U.S. must respond forcefully to this provocation to signal the danger of China’s continued actions. Anything less than a clear military signal combined with forceful diplomacy will likely see the cycle of violence continue to escalate.

Details of the Incident

On June 17, 2024, during a resupply mission to the BRP Sierra Madre (LT-57) outpost at Second Thomas Shoal, Chinese Coast Guard vessels 21555 and 21551 used water cannons and dangerous maneuvers to block Philippine vessels. This resulted in severe injuries to a Philippine sailor and significant damage to the vessels involved. This marks the third instance of Philippine personnel being injured by Chinese forces during resupply missions to Second Thomas Shoal.

Despite the severity of the incident, the Philippine government has yet to release detailed imagery or a timeline of events, unlike previous incidents. Meanwhile, Chinese state media justified their actions, blaming the Philippine side for the collision.

International and Domestic Reactions

The Pentagon condemned the Chinese actions, reaffirming support for the Philippines and highlighting the mutual defense treaty that could be invoked in response to these provocations. “We stand with our Philippine allies and condemn the escalatory and irresponsible actions by the PRC,” reads a statement from the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

Philippine government releases have condemned the dangerous maneuvers by Chinese forces, although they have not detailed the extent of the injuries or damage.

A Call for Vigilance

As these tensions escalate, it is crucial for the international community to remain vigilant and responsive to these provocations. The stability of the South China Sea is essential for global commerce and regional security, and unchecked aggression must not be tolerated.

Americans for a Stronger Navy’s Position

China’s recent actions in the South China Sea represent a serious threat to regional stability and international law. We stand firmly with our Philippine allies and urge the United States and the international community to respond decisively to these provocations. The safety of our allies and the security of maritime operations are paramount.

From Depths to Skies: Exploring the Future Landscape of U.S. Naval Power.

Segment: An Interview with Captain Brent Sadler on U.S. Naval Strategy and Policy

Bill Cullifer, founder

Editor’s Note: This segment is a continuation of our series “From Depths to Skies: Exploring the Future Landscape of U.S. Naval Power.” After exploring the future landscape of US Naval Power the RAND Perspective on U.S. naval power, we now converse with Captain Brent Sadler, a retired Navy officer and an expert on Naval strategy. Captain Sadler, currently a senior research fellow at The Heritage Foundation, has penned “U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century: A New Strategy for Facing the Chinese and Russian Threat,” a pivotal read for those invested in our national security.

“The world is on the cusp of a dangerous decade, and whether it becomes a violent peace or worse is a function of how we as a nation choose to respond. Conventional thinking has not delivered the results or the forces needed to effectively compete with China and Russia.” – Brent Sadler

This is how Captain Brent Sadler, a retired Navy officer and an expert on naval power, begins his book U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century: A New Strategy for Facing the Chinese and Russian Threat. In this book, he proposes a new strategy for U.S. naval power that integrates diplomacy, military operations, and economic statecraft to counter the challenges posed by China and Russia in the maritime domain.

As the founder of Americans for a Stronger Navy, I recognize the importance of a strong U.S. Navy more than anyone. The Navy protects our shores, our allies, and our way of life. But the Navy is facing new challenges in the 21st century, from China’s growing military power to Russia’s aggressive behavior.

That is why I reached out to Captain Sadler and asked him to share his insights and recommendations on U.S. naval power and how to overcome these challenges. He was very gracious to spend a few minutes in between meetings to discuss an office visit for a more in-depth series of conversations.


In our brief conversation, Captain Sadler highlighted:

Urgency: The U.S. Navy must respond swiftly to deter threats from China and Russia. He stressed on fortifying maritime infrastructure, including shipyards and ports.

Public Awareness: He appreciated efforts to enlighten Americans about the Navy’s significance.

Naval Vision: He resonates with the vision of expanding the Navy fleet, infusing new technologies, devising fresh strategies, and bolstering alliances.

Future Discussions: Captain Sadler is keen on delving into his strategy’s nuances in our subsequent sit-down in Washington D.C.


Captain Sadler’s book proposes a holistic naval strategy encapsulating diplomacy, military operations, and economic statecraft.

He bases his strategy on:

• Ensuring a credible deterrence posture.

• Augmenting maritime security cooperation.

• Broadening maritime domain awareness.

• Championing maritime governance and norms.

This strategy dovetails with the RAND Perspective, emphasizing innovation, alliances, and presence for the Navy’s evolution.


Join us in our upcoming interviews with Captain Sadler. Dive deeper into his work in Washingtom D.C.

Remember, as Americans, our Navy’s future strength and readiness lie in our hands. Let’s rally together for a robust U.S. naval power.

U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century: A New Strategy for Facing the Chinese and Russian Threat