Unveiling the “Manta Ray”: A New Era in Underwater Drone Technology


In the latest development of naval capabilities, Northrop Grumman, in partnership with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), has introduced a new autonomous underwater vehicle (UUV) named the “Manta Ray.” This cutting-edge UUV is designed for long-range and long-duration missions, marking a significant milestone in underwater technology.

Key Takeaways

  • The Manta Ray has successfully completed its first in-water testing phase off the coast of Southern California, showcasing its advanced hydrodynamic capabilities and operational readiness.
  • Designed for autonomy, the Manta Ray can perform extensive missions in remote oceanic environments, aiding in tasks such as mapping, mine detection, and surveillance.
  • Its modular construction allows for easy transport, rapid assembly, and deployment, potentially revolutionizing naval logistics and deployment strategies.

Why This Matters The Manta Ray represents a leap forward in underwater technology with its ability to operate independently in challenging and remote parts of the ocean. This capability is crucial for enhancing the Navy’s operational flexibility and for performing sensitive and critical missions without risking human lives. The Manta Ray’s successful deployment demonstrates potential shifts in future naval operations, emphasizing unmanned, autonomous systems.

Implications for the Navy

The integration of the Manta Ray into the Navy’s arsenal could dramatically transform naval operations by:

  • Enhancing the Navy’s ability to conduct extended surveillance and reconnaissance missions discreetly.
  • Reducing the need for large, manned support vessels and infrastructure, thereby saving costs and increasing operational stealth.
  • Providing new capabilities in undersea warfare, particularly in cluttered or hazardous environments where traditional manned operations are too risky.

Implications for America

The advancement of autonomous UUV technology such as the Manta Ray strengthens national security by ensuring that the U.S. remains at the forefront of military technology, particularly in undersea warfare. This technological edge is vital in maintaining strategic superiority in international waters, particularly in contested regions where underwater resources and routes are of paramount importance.

Moreover, the development and production of such advanced technologies foster innovation within America’s industrial and defense sectors, contributing to economic growth and maintaining technological leadership on the global stage.


The Manta Ray UUV is not just a new piece of equipment; it is a harbinger of the future of naval operations. As autonomous systems like the Manta Ray become more integrated into military strategies, they will redefine the paradigms of engagement, security, and defense technology. For the U.S. Navy and America, the successful deployment of the Manta Ray is a significant step toward a more autonomous, efficient, and secure maritime future.

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US Navy Contracts Update – America Strong

The US Navy recently awarded four contracts worth a total of $104 million to various defense contractors. These contracts cover a range of activities, from procurement of aircraft parts to development of digital tools for naval platforms. While these may seem like routine activities, they play a critical role in ensuring the readiness and effectiveness of the US Navy in protecting American interests.

The first contract, awarded to Northrop Grumman Systems Corp., is worth $60 million and covers the procurement of long lead parts and associated support for two E-2D Advanced Hawkeye plus up aircraft for the Navy.

The second contract, awarded to Lockheed Martin Corp., is worth $25.3 million and covers continued program management, logistics, sustainment, and system engineering support for an undisclosed country’s integration as a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customer into the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program.

The third contract, awarded to BAE Systems Land & Armaments L.P., is worth $11.3 million and covers the manufacture and delivery of Virginia Class propulsor components and assembly.

The fourth and final contract, awarded to Raytheon BBN Technologies Corp., is worth $7.9 million and covers the development of digital threads for naval platforms.

Overall, these contracts highlight the critical role that defense contractors play in supporting the readiness and effectiveness of the US Navy. They also demonstrate the importance of investing in defense technology and capabilities to protect American interests and promote global stability. By maintaining a strong and capable Navy, the US can deter potential adversaries and protect its allies and partners around the world.