Defending Allies: USS Ronald Reagan’s Mission to Secure the Philippine Sea Amid Rising Tensions

USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76)

Defending Allies: USS Ronald Reagan’s Mission to Secure the Philippine Sea Amid Rising Tensions

Bill Cullifer, Founder
Bill Cullifer, Founder

Recent injuries inflicted on Filipino fishermen by Chinese forces in the shoals underscore the increasing tensions in the Philippine Sea. As these events unfold, the U.S. Navy’s forward-deployed carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan, plays a crucial role in maintaining regional stability and providing a deterrent against potential Chinese aggression.

The Strategic Importance of the USS Ronald Reagan

The USS Ronald Reagan, stationed in the Pacific, is undergoing resupply and refueling to extend its deterrence missions in the Philippine Sea. This action highlights the Pentagon’s commitment to a continued forward presence amid the escalating U.S.-China tensions. The strategic placement of the Reagan ensures that the U.S. can project significant air attack power throughout the region, protecting allies like the Philippines from potential threats.

The Threat of a “Fait Accompli” Scenario

A significant concern is the possibility of a “fait accompli” scenario, where China might quickly annex the Philippines or Taiwan before an allied response can be mobilized. This scenario is particularly worrying given China’s ongoing military maneuvers and blockades of small Philippine fishing boats. Kris Osborn noted, “Operating as a floating city with thousands of sailors and hundreds of attack planes and helicopters, the USS Ronald Reagan is likely having its deployment extended to ensure critical ‘proximity’.”

U.S. Support for the Philippines

The United States stands with its ally the Philippines and condemns the escalatory and irresponsible actions by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to deny the Philippines from lawfully delivering humanitarian supplies to service members stationed at the BRP Sierra Madre. Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller stated, “PRC vessels’ dangerous and deliberate use of water cannons, ramming, blocking maneuvers, and towing damaged Philippine vessels endangered the lives of Philippine service members, is reckless, and threatens regional peace and stability.”

The U.S. reaffirms that Article IV of the 1951 United States-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty extends to armed attacks on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft – including those of its Coast Guard – anywhere in the South China Sea. Miller reiterated, “The United States reaffirms that Article IV of the 1951 United States-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty extends to armed attacks on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft – including those of its Coast Guard – anywhere in the South China Sea.”

The Role of Carrier Strike Groups

The Reagan’s ability to deploy 5th-generation aircraft within striking distance of Chinese forces is a key element of the U.S. defense strategy. These aircraft can achieve air supremacy, significantly reducing the effectiveness of any Chinese military operation. The presence of the Reagan also ensures that the U.S. can quickly respond to any sudden moves by China, maintaining a balance of power in the region. Derek Grossman emphasized, “Manila is pressing forward with three other efforts… deepening its alliance with Washington, forging ahead on security drills and agreements with other countries in the region, and adopting a strategy of ‘assertive transparency’ toward Chinese encroachments.”


As the founder of Americans for a Stronger Navy, I believe in peace and peace through strength. Diplomacy is essential, but there comes a time when we must draw a line in the sand and take action. I firmly believe that China will continue its aggression and other nefarious deeds until it is stopped. If they want war, then they better be prepared for one. It is crucial for the American public to engage and support the Navy. Internal conflict among ourselves only plays into the hands of our adversaries, which is a tactic straight out of the communist handbook.


The extended deployment of the USS Ronald Reagan in the Philippine Sea is a clear signal of the U.S. commitment to defending its allies and maintaining stability in the region. As tensions continue to rise, the Reagan’s presence is more critical than ever in preventing a potential crisis and ensuring the security of the Philippines.

By reinforcing our naval capabilities and maintaining a robust presence, we can deter aggression and protect the freedoms and security of our allies in the Indo-Pacific region. The injuries sustained by Filipino fishermen and the aggressive actions against the BRP Sierra Madre remind us of the real and present threats posed by Chinese expansionism, and underscore the necessity of a strong and ready U.S. Navy.


  1. Osborn, K. (2024, June 17). Defending the Philippines? USS Ronald Reagan Re-Supplied & Extended in Philippine Sea. Warrior Maven.
  2. Miller, M. (2024, June 17). U.S. Support for the Philippines in the South China Sea. U.S. State Department.
  3. Grossman, D. (2024, May 29). How to Respond to China’s Tactics in the South China Sea. Foreign Policy.

Strengthening Maritime Alliances: A Call to Action for American Advocates

Australia and the Philippines Courtesy of Wiki

In a significant move toward bolstering regional security, Australia and the Philippines have recently inked a pivotal agreement aimed at enhancing maritime collaboration. This accord, underscored by a shared commitment to uphold international law, marks a critical juncture in the face of China’s expanding military footprint in the South China Sea. As Americans, it’s essential to understand why this development matters and the consequential role of the U.S. Navy in ensuring a balance of power in the Indo-Pacific region.

Why Americans Should Care

The South China Sea is not just a distant waterway; it’s a vital artery for global commerce, with a significant portion of the world’s trade passing through it. The freedom of navigation in this area is paramount, not only for the countries directly bordering it but also for major trading nations like the United States. The recent agreement between Australia and the Philippines signals a growing consensus among like-minded nations to safeguard these crucial sea lanes from unilateral claims and aggressive actions that threaten regional stability and, by extension, global economic security. Please subscribe, support and tell your friends.

Implications for the U.S. Navy

The U.S. Navy stands as a pivotal force in maintaining maritime freedom and deterring aggression in international waters. The strengthening of alliances and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific, as exemplified by the Australia-Philippines accord, is a testament to the collective resolve to maintain a free and open region. This collaborative stance not only enhances the operational capabilities of the U.S. Navy through joint patrols and exercises but also amplifies the strategic message to potential adversaries that the international community remains united in its defense of the rules-based order.

For the U.S. Navy, this evolving security landscape underscores the necessity for continued investment in naval capabilities and readiness. It also highlights the importance of diplomatic efforts in forging and reinforcing alliances that extend the Navy’s reach and effectiveness. In an era where strategic competition demands not just military might but also the strength of partnerships, the U.S. Navy’s role in ensuring a stable and secure Indo-Pacific is more crucial than ever.

Join The Club

For those who recognize the importance of a strong and vigilant maritime force, the recent developments in the South China Sea serve as a clarion call. The Americans for a Stronger Navy advocates for the indispensable role of naval power in securing America’s interests and upholding international norms. By joining this community, you align with a group dedicated to ensuring that the U.S. Navy remains capable, adaptable, and ready to face the challenges of tomorrow.

As we navigate through these turbulent waters, the unity and strength of our alliances stand as our best defense against threats to maritime freedom and regional peace. It’s time to rally behind our Navy and support the partnerships that keep our seas open and secure. Join us in this vital mission for a stronger, more resilient maritime future.

This blog post draws inspiration from recent developments in maritime security alliances and the pivotal role of the U.S. Navy in maintaining a balance of power in the Indo-Pacific region. It serves as a call to action for Americans to support naval advocacy initiatives and understand the strategic importance of a robust naval presence in global affairs.

A Sea of Tensions: Understanding the South China Sea Dispute and America’s Naval Imperative

Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) sets anchors in Manila, Philippines. USS Carl Vinson is in the Philippines for a port visit, supporting operational readiness and regional partnerships.

To Members and Friends,

In these rapidly evolving times, the strategic landscape of the South China Sea is more critical than ever to our national security and maritime interests. Recent events in this region, coupled with the burgeoning naval capabilities of our potential adversaries, underline the urgency of our mission at “Americans for a Stronger Navy.”

Rising Tensions in the South China Sea

The South China Sea, a hub of global maritime traffic and rich in resources, has become a focal point for international power dynamics. The U.S. and China have conducted significant military exercises in these waters, signaling the area’s strategic importance. This tense atmosphere was further amplified by a recent collision involving Philippine and Chinese vessels near a disputed reef, highlighting the area’s volatility.

China’s Escalating Naval Dominance

As reported in the Jan. 2 issue of the Wall Street Journal by Seth G. Jones of CSIS, the Chinese navy’s expansion is a cause for concern. Not limited to the sheer number of ships, China’s ominous growth in shipbuilding capacity is particularly alarming. With a staggering capacity of 23 million tons, one Chinese shipyard on Changxing Island alone surpasses the combined capacity of all U.S. shipyards. This disparity in shipbuilding capabilities is a stark reminder of the challenges we face in maintaining our naval strength and readiness.

Global Defense Spending: A Comparative Analysis

In the shadow of these developments, nations like Japan have significantly increased their defense budgets in response to Chinese expansionism.

Japan’s defense allocation now stands at USD 47.7 billion, a 16.5% increase. However, when compared to China’s defense expenditure of USD 292 billion in 2022 (as reported by SIPRI), the imbalance becomes evident.

The United States, with a defense budget of $877 billion, continues to lead in absolute terms, but when viewed as a percentage of GDP, our current spending of 3% is notably lower than historical highs during previous administrations.

Why Should America Care

The implications of these developments extend far beyond the territorial disputes of the South China Sea. They touch upon fundamental aspects of international law, freedom of navigation, and the global balance of power. The United States, with its longstanding commitment to these principles, must view the situation in the South China Sea as a barometer for broader geopolitical shifts.


In light of Seth G. Jones’ report and the ongoing developments in the South China Sea, it’s evident that our mission is more pertinent than ever. The gap in shipbuilding capacity, coupled with the varying levels of defense expenditure globally, highlights the need for a robust and forward-looking U.S. naval strategy. We must advocate for the resources and policies necessary to ensure that our Navy remains capable of meeting these emerging challenges.

As we face these uncertain times, your support and engagement with “Americans for a Stronger Navy” are invaluable. Together, we stand vigilant, advocating for a Navy that is not only strong today but is prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

For Freedom and Security,
Americans for a Stronger Navy

United States and the Philippines Agree to Strengthen Their Alliance


The United States and the Philippines have come to an agreement to continue the vital work required to modernize and strengthen the alliance between the two nations. This agreement was reached between Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Philippine President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. during a ceremony at the Pentagon, where the U.S. reiterated its commitment to the Mutual Defense Treaty. This commitment applies to armed attacks on the armed forces, coast guard vessels, public vessels, or aircraft in the Pacific, including the South China Sea.

The Importance of the Alliance:

The alliance between the United States and the Philippines is of utmost importance, and the two nations have agreed to continue working together to ensure its success. The recent visit by Marcos to the Pentagon has furthered the efforts to strengthen the relationship between the two nations. The U.S. is supporting the Philippines’ defense modernization efforts and is helping to build their interoperability, information sharing, and planning to address conventional and nonconventional threats.

Deepening Coordination and Interoperability:

The two nations are deepening their coordination and interoperability, which is crucial to ensuring that the alliance is effective. The recent Balikatan exercise was the largest in history, with 17,000 troops from the Philippines, the United States, and Australia, covering land, sea, air, and cyber scenarios. Following on that effort is Cope Thunder, an exercise testing air power interoperability. The U.S. is committed to supporting the Philippines’ defense modernization efforts, and this will help to build interoperability, information sharing, and planning to address conventional and nonconventional threats.

Expanding Operational Cooperation in the Maritime Domain:

The U.S. is committed to expanding its operational cooperation with the Philippines in the maritime domain, including the South China Sea. The two defense leaders discussed U.S. support for Philippine defense modernization efforts and the ongoing plans to continue to operationalize the agreement sites. These efforts will help to build interoperability, information sharing, and planning to address conventional and nonconventional threats.

New Bilateral Defense Guidelines:

Marcos and Austin also discussed new bilateral defense guidelines. This item reflects the unprecedented effort behind modernizing the alliance to bring it into a new era of cooperation. The emphasis is to look at how threats arise in the various domains and what form those threats will take. This will enable Philippine and U.S. officials to chart a bilateral way forward to help build interoperability, information sharing, planning, etc., around how they address these conventional and nonconventional threats.

Key Takeaways:

The United States and the Philippines are committed to strengthening and modernizing their alliance.
Deepening coordination and interoperability are crucial to ensuring the alliance’s effectiveness.
The U.S. is committed to supporting the Philippines’ defense modernization efforts.
The two nations are expanding their operational cooperation in the maritime domain, including the South China Sea.
New bilateral defense guidelines are being developed to address conventional and nonconventional threats.


The recent agreement between the United States and the Philippines to modernize and strengthen their alliance is a positive step towards ensuring the readiness of the U.S. Navy and the security of the people of America. As Americans for a Stronger Navy, we are proud to be a part of the Navy community and support efforts to strengthen alliances and ensure national security. We encourage all Americans to rally behind this cause and support the efforts to build a stronger and more secure future.