USS Carney’s Return: Showcasing the Strategic and Tactical Excellence of U.S. Navy Destroyers

Bill Cullifer, Founder
Bill Cullifer, Founder


The USS Carney’s recent homecoming after a significant deployment in the Red Sea marks a pivotal moment, not just for the crew and their families, but for all of us. This event is a reminder of the crucial role that U.S. Navy destroyers play in maintaining global maritime security and ensuring the free flow of international commerce.

Why the Red Sea Matters:

The Red Sea is a critical conduit for global trade, linking the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal with the Indian Ocean. Any threat to this vital maritime route impacts global markets, affecting everything from oil prices to the availability of consumer goods worldwide. Protecting this route is not only a matter of economic interest but of global stability and security.

The USS Carney’s Role:

During its deployment, the USS Carney engaged in 51 combat scenarios, successfully neutralizing 65 threats from Houthi rebels. This mission underlines the destroyer’s vital role in safeguarding these strategic waters. The Carney’s actions demonstrate the U.S. Navy’s commitment to freedom of navigation and the protection of international laws that govern our seas.

Technological and Tactical Excellence:

The USS Carney’s deployment also highlighted the advanced capabilities of U.S. Navy destroyers, including the first combat uses of the SM-3 and SM-6 missile systems. These technological advancements are crucial for defending against complex threats and ensuring the Navy’s ability to operate in high-threat environments.

Implications for the Navy:

The operational success of the USS Carney exemplifies the effectiveness of the Navy’s tactical training and readiness. The use of advanced missile technology not only neutralizes threats but also serves as a deterrent, reinforcing the Navy’s capability to protect critical international waterways.

Implications for America:

The USS Carney’s mission reinforces America’s commitment to a rules-based international order. This deployment showcases the U.S.’s readiness to defend its interests and those of its allies, contributing significantly to global peace and commerce.

Human Element:

Behind the technological prowess of the USS Carney are the dedicated sailors who operate these complex systems under high-stress conditions. Their professionalism and courage highlight the human spirit driving America’s naval supremacy.


The USS Carney’s return is a moment of pride and a testament to the strategic and tactical prowess of the U.S. Navy. It reaffirms our nation’s commitment to maintaining stability in key global regions. As we celebrate the safe return of the Carney and its crew, let us also recognize the broader significance of their mission—a mission that ensures the seas remain open and safe for all.

USS Carney Defends Regional Stability in the Red Sea

USS Carney DDG 64

Introduction to Members and Friends:

Greetings to our esteemed members and supporters of the Americans for a Stronger Navy. Today, we bring to your attention a significant event that underscores the indispensable role our U.S. Navy plays in maintaining global stability and safeguarding our allies.

Key Takeaways:

US Navy’s Proactive Defense: The USS Carney, a U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer in the northern Red Sea, has intercepted and shot down missiles and drones potentially targeting Israel. These threats were launched by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia in Yemen.

A Historic Action: This incident marks the first time in recent memory where a U.S. Navy ship in the Middle East has engaged with threats not aimed directly at the vessel. It’s a testament to the Navy’s commitment to the defense of our allies, Israel in this case.

Growing Regional Tensions: With the current conflicts between Israel and Hamas and the involvement of Iranian-backed proxies, the geopolitical scenario in the region is becoming increasingly volatile.

Efficient and Timely Response: The USS Carney’s swift action in shooting down the missiles ensures that threats, even those not aimed directly at our forces, are neutralized to maintain peace and stability in the region.

U.S. Military’s Enhanced Presence: Given the growing tensions, the U.S. has strengthened its military presence in the region. The USS Carney is part of the USS Gerald R. Ford carrier strike group that was deployed to deter potential aggressors and to support our allies.

Our Message is Clear: As Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder stated, the positioning of our naval assets and aircraft in the region is a clear signal of our intent to deter wider conflicts, bolster regional stability, and defend our national security interests.

In these challenging times, the importance of a robust naval force is more evident than ever. The events in the Red Sea are a reminder of the crucial role our Navy plays in ensuring not just our nation’s security, but also in maintaining a balance of power and ensuring the safety of our allies.

We salute the brave men and women aboard the USS Carney and thank them for their unwavering commitment and service.

USS Carney Defends Regional Stability in the Red Sea

Introduction to Members and Friends:

Greetings to our esteemed members and supporters of the Americans for a Stronger Navy. Today, we bring to your attention a significant event that underscores the indispensable role our U.S. Navy plays in maintaining global stability and safeguarding our allies.

Key Takeaways:

US Navy’s Proactive Defense: The USS Carney, a U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer in the northern Red Sea, has intercepted and shot down missiles and drones potentially targeting Israel. These threats were launched by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia in Yemen.

A Historic Action: This incident marks the first time in recent memory where a U.S. Navy ship in the Middle East has engaged with threats not aimed directly at the vessel. It’s a testament to the Navy’s commitment to the defense of our allies, Israel in this case.

Growing Regional Tensions: With the current conflicts between Israel and Hamas and the involvement of Iranian-backed proxies, the geopolitical scenario in the region is becoming increasingly volatile.

Efficient and Timely Response: The USS Carney’s swift action in shooting down the missiles ensures that threats, even those not aimed directly at our forces, are neutralized to maintain peace and stability in the region.

U.S. Military’s Enhanced Presence: Given the growing tensions, the U.S. has strengthened its military presence in the region. The USS Carney is part of the USS Gerald R. Ford carrier strike group that was deployed to deter potential aggressors and to support our allies.

Our Message is Clear: As Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder stated, the positioning of our naval assets and aircraft in the region is a clear signal of our intent to deter wider conflicts, bolster regional stability, and defend our national security interests.

In these challenging times, the importance of a robust naval force is more evident than ever. The events in the Red Sea are a reminder of the crucial role our Navy plays in ensuring not just our nation’s security, but also in maintaining a balance of power and ensuring the safety of our allies.

We salute the brave men and women aboard the USS Carney and thank them for their unwavering commitment and service.