Navy EOD Technicians: Safeguarding Our Nation’s Security

@USNavy explosive ordnance disposal technicians descend from an #USAF C-130H3 Hercules during a static-line insertion mobility drill in Virginia Beach, Va.,


The United States Navy’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technicians are the unsung heroes who safeguard our nation’s security by rendering safe all types of ordnance, including improvised, chemical, biological, and nuclear. Their missions take them to all environments, every climate, and every part of the world. As a part of the Navy community, Americans for a Stronger Navy is proud to support the EOD’s critical work.


This blog post highlights the critical role of Navy EOD technicians in safeguarding national security. From rendering safe all types of ordnance to supporting military and civilian law enforcement agencies, EOD technicians have a variety of skills and assets to perform their duties. The Americans for a Stronger Navy is proud to support the EOD’s important work.

Key Takeaways

Navy EOD technicians play a critical role in safeguarding our nation’s security by rendering safe all types of ordnance, including improvised, chemical, biological, and nuclear.
EOD technicians conduct demolition of hazardous munitions, pyrotechnics, and retrograde explosives using detonation and burning techniques.

They are highly trained and have many assets available to arrive at their mission, from open- and closed-circuit scuba and surface supplied diving rigs, to parachute insertion and fast-rope from aircraft, to small boats and tracked vehicles.

They support military and civilian law enforcement agencies, as well as the Secret Service.


The work of Navy EOD technicians is crucial to the security of our nation. The Americans for a Stronger Navy organization supports their critical work and encourages average Americans to appreciate and support the EOD’s important mission. Join us in supporting our nation’s EOD technicians and all those who serve in the United States Navy.