Better Economic Opportunities for Military Spouses Focus of New Executive Order

Fort Liberty, North Carolina – In a significant move to support military and veteran spouses, caregivers, and survivors, President Biden signed a new executive order today at Fort Liberty, North Carolina. The executive order, one of the “most consequential” actions taken by the Biden administration, aims to strengthen economic opportunities for these individuals and ensure their inclusion in the workforce.

Accompanied by First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, President Biden emphasized the far-reaching impact of military service on families and commended the resilience and dedication of military spouses. The executive order’s provisions extend beyond military spouses of active service members to include veterans’ spouses, caregivers, and survivors, recognizing their unique challenges and contributions.

“We’re asking agencies to make it easier for spouses employed by the federal government to take administrative leave, telework, and move offices,” stated Dr. Jill Biden. “We’re creating resources to support entrepreneurs. And the executive order helps agencies and companies retain military spouses through telework or when they move abroad.”

The executive order, which has been in the works for over a year, encompasses various initiatives to enhance the hiring and retention of military and veterans’ spouses in federal government roles. Additionally, it promotes employment opportunities for these individuals outside the federal government, improves access to childcare for military families, and facilitates remote work options for military spouses stationed overseas.

Cara Abercrombie, deputy assistant to the president and the National Security Council’s coordinator for defense policy and arms control, outlined key components of the executive order. One of the primary actions is the development of a governmentwide strategic plan focused on the hiring and retention of military and veteran spouses, caregivers, and survivors. The plan will leverage the talents, experiences, and diversity of these individuals, emphasizing performance benchmarks and accountability.

Furthermore, federal agencies will include military spouse non-competitive appointment authority in their job postings. This streamlines the hiring process and enables expedited employment of qualified military spouses.

To address the challenges faced by military spouses, especially when their service members are deployed overseas, the executive order emphasizes the importance of telework options. It mandates agencies to establish governmentwide standards that facilitate remote work accessibility for military spouses residing with their service members stationed abroad.

Recognizing the significance of childcare for military families, the executive order calls for the implementation of dependent care flexible saving accounts for service members and the expansion of pathways for military spouses to provide home-based childcare on military installations.

Education for hiring managers is another crucial aspect of the executive order. It ensures that those responsible for hiring understand the unique circumstances and obstacles encountered by military and veterans’ spouses, caregivers, and survivors.

The executive order’s content was heavily influenced by the Joining Forces initiative, spearheaded by Dr. Jill Biden and former First Lady Michelle Obama in 2011. Joining Forces has engaged with military spouses nationwide over the past two years, actively seeking their input on the support needed to secure and maintain employment while caring for their families. The insights gained from these conversations have directly informed the provisions of the executive order.

“Filled with solutions inspired directly by the conversations Joining Forces had with the military-connected spouses and children because these families know what they need,” said Dr. Jill Biden.

The executive order marks a significant step toward providing better economic opportunities for military and veteran spouses, caregivers, and survivors. It highlights the administration’s commitment to supporting military families and seeks to engage employers across the country in recruiting and retaining this skilled and passionate community. Through flexible and portable opportunities, the executive order aims to empower these individuals and ensure their contributions are valued and recognized in the workforce.⁹