Meet Roy Englert – A Living Legend

Today, we want to share the extraordinary tale of Mr. Roy Englert, a centenarian World War II Navy veteran, and his unstoppable spirit. Not only did he serve our country with valor, but he also continued to break records as a competitive runner well into his 90s, embodying the very essence of resilience and strength.
Early Life and Naval Service
Englert’s journey started in Nashville during the Great Depression.

He joined the Naval Reserve during his junior year at Vanderbilt University and entered the war effort after graduation in 1943. He participated in significant operations like the D-Day invasion of Normandy, where he served as a supply officer on a landing ship, and Operation Dragoon in the south of France. His service didn’t stop there. He also took part in the Battle of Okinawa, narrowly escaping a kamikaze attack, and was preparing for the invasion of mainland Japan when the war ended.
Post-War Life and Civilian Career
Returning to the U.S., Englert attended law school and then had a fulfilling 22-year career with the Department of the Treasury in Washington, D.C. Later, he moved to a private law firm and business consulting before retiring at age 73.

Unstoppable Spirit – The Runner
After reading a book about the benefits of exercise, Englert began running at age 60. Despite initial challenges, he persisted, gradually transitioning from his basement to high school tracks and eventually to competitive meets. His achievements are staggering: from setting world records in relay races with a team of 90-year-olds in 2014 to breaking a world record for the 95-99 age group in the 800-meter race in 2018, Englert never ceased to amaze.
The Power of Perseverance
Despite his mother’s concerns about him being “too old” to run, Englert proved that age is just a number. He inspires others not to make age an excuse to stop living life to the fullest. His mantra is quite simple: “Keep moving, keep moving, keep moving.”
Conclusion and Takeaway
Roy Englert’s life serves as an enduring testament to the power of perseverance, resilience, and a positive attitude. He is an example not only to veterans and service members but to everyone. The takeaway message here is never to let age or circumstances define what you’re capable of.
Remember, every stride we take towards our goals, no matter how small, is a victory in itself. So let’s keep moving, just like Roy Englert.
We hope you’ve enjoyed this incredible story, and we wish you a fantastic summer ahead. Stay strong, stay motivated, and above all, stay moving!