Charting the Course: Navigating the Future of American Naval Power – Advancing Naval Superiority in the Age of Autonomous Warfare and Global Rivalry

Today, we are privileged to be joined by Bryan Clark, a Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Defense Concepts and Technology at the Hudson Institute.

My co-host Dale and I have previously laid the groundwork by introducing key themes and objectives of our series, including an in-depth conversation with Dr. Steven Wills, a respected naval historian and former U.S. Naval officer, in our episode ‘Developing and Implementing Effective U.S. Navy Strategies’ and Dr. Sam Tangredi, the esteemed Leidos Chair of Future Warfare Studies and Director of the Institute for Future Warfare Studies at the U.S. Naval War College. and Dr. Bruce Jones, Senior Fellow – Foreign Policy, Center for East Asia Policy Studies, Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology, Brookings Institution. – Maritime Power Through History and Future – January 4, 2025. Dr. Scott Savitz, a renowned senior engineer at the RAND Corporation.

Mr. Clark is a renowned expert in naval operations, electronic warfare, autonomous systems, military competitions, and wargaming. His extensive background includes distinguished service as a former U.S. Navy officer, analyst, and consultant.

Bryan Clark’s contributions to the field of naval warfare and strategy are substantial, demonstrated through his insightful reports and articles, including notable works like “Unalone, Unafraid: A Plan for Integrating Uncrewed and Other Emerging Technologies into U.S. Military Forces”.

In this session, Mr. Clark will share his invaluable perspectives on the current and future challenges and opportunities facing the U.S. Navy in the 21st century. 

With a keen focus on the escalating competition and rivalry from global adversaries such as China, Russia, and Iran, he will discuss strategies for the U.S. Navy to maintain and enhance its edge in terms of size, capability, readiness, innovation, and technology.

Additionally, Mr. Clark will address the crucial aspect of strengthening cooperation and coordination with allies and partners, particularly in strategically significant regions like the Indo-Pacific, the Middle East, and Europe. His insights will shed light on the vital role of the U.S. Navy in ensuring the freedom and security of the seas and the international order.