From Depths to Skies: Exploring the Future Landscape of U.S. Naval Power: Segment: Submarine Industrial Base

Bill Cullifer, Founder

Welcome back to our series: From Depths to Skies: Exploring the Future Landscape of U.S. Naval Power. In this series, we aim to inform and engage our members and friends on behalf of Americans for a Stronger Navy. We examine the current and future challenges and opportunities for the U.S. Navy in maintaining its global leadership and superiority in the maritime domain.

In the previous segment, we focused on the submarine fleet, one of the most important and complex elements of the U.S. naval power. We discussed its role, capabilities, and plans for modernization and acquisition. We also reviewed some of the reports and studies that have been published on this topic and provided our own analysis and recommendations.

In this segment, we will shift our attention to the submarine industrial base, which is the backbone of the submarine fleet. We will explore how the AUKUS defense technology partnership, which involves supplying Australia with nuclear-powered submarines, will affect the U.S. submarine industrial base and its ability to meet the demand for both domestic and foreign submarines. We will also look at how Congress and industry are responding to this challenge and what are some of the potential benefits and risks of this deal.

Proposed Funding for Submarine Industrial Base

On October 22, 2023, President Joe Biden submitted a supplemental budget request to Congress, which earmarks $3.4 billion for further investments in the U.S. submarine industrial base. This funding is intended to improve the build and sustainment rates for attack submarines in order to meet U.S. military requirements, and to support the commitments under AUKUS.

The supplemental budget request comes after 25 U.S. Republican lawmakers urged Biden in July to increase funding for the U.S. submarine fleet, saying that the plan under AUKUS to sell Australia Virginia-class nuclear-power submarines would “unacceptably weaken” the U.S. fleet without a clear plan to replace them.

The U.S. Navy also supports the supplemental budget request, saying that it is “critical” to ensure that the submarine industrial base can deliver both Virginia-class and Columbia-class submarines on time and on budget. The Navy also says that AUKUS will “strengthen our ability to deter aggression, defend our interests, and maintain our technological edge”.

Key Takeaways from Congressional Hearing

On October 25, 2023, a subcommittee of the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee held a hearing on AUKUS and its implications for the U.S. submarine industrial base. The hearing featured testimony from Mara Karlin, acting deputy under secretary of defense for policy; Vice Admiral William Houston, commander of the U.S. Navy’s Submarine Force; Rear Admiral Scott Pappano, program executive officer for Columbia-class submarines; and Rear Admiral David Goggins, program executive officer for submarines.

Some of the key takeaways from the hearing are:

•  AUKUS contributes to building a more robust defense industrial base ecosystem that contributes to integrated deterrence; and … the submarine industrial base can and will support AUKUS.

•  Congress is critical to the success of AUKUS, and needs to approve four legislative proposals this year: authorizing transfer of submarines to Australia; allowing maintenance of U.S. submarines in Australia and Britain; authorizing Australian funding for U.S. shipyards and training of Australian workers; and streamlining defense trade between AUKUS partners.

•  The U.S. submarine industry is hoping to increase its production rate from 1.2 Virginia-class submarines per year to two – this on top of one Columbia-class submarine – but faces challenges such as supply chain fragility, labor shortages, and cost overruns.

•  The AUKUS deal will require sharing sensitive U.S. technology with Australia and Britain, which poses risks such as leakage, espionage, or reverse engineering by adversaries or third parties.

•  “AUKUS is an unprecedented opportunity to deepen our cooperation with two of our closest allies in developing cutting-edge capabilities that will ensure our collective security well into this century.” – Mara Karlin

•  “This funding is critical to improve build and sustainment rates for attack submarines in order to meet U.S. military requirements, and will also support our commitments under AUKUS.” – Joint statement by Navy representatives

•  “The fact is, the supply chain still remains very fragile. Any additional funding and support, whether it’s through the supplemental or other Navy support would be extremely helpful.” – Jason Aiken, General Dynamics’ chief financial officer

•  “We are confident that we have the appropriate measures in place to protect our technology as we move forward with this initiative.” – Vice Admiral William Houston

•  “The administration’s plan to sell Virginia-class submarines to Australia will unacceptably weaken our own submarine fleet without a clear plan to replace them. … The administration has not provided any evidence that our submarine industrial base can handle this additional workload without jeopardizing our own submarine programs.” – Representative Rob Wittman, ranking member of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces.

Where We Stand

AUKUS deal is still being debated and negotiated by the governments and parliaments of the three countries involved: Australia, the UK, and the US. The deal also faces opposition and criticism from some other countries and groups, such as France, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, some Australian political parties and unions, some US lawmakers and analysts, and some environmental and anti-war activists.

The AUKUS deal has two main components: one is to help Australia acquire nuclear-powered submarines, and the other is to enhance joint capabilities and interoperability in areas such as cyber, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, and undersea capabilities.

The first component is expected to take at least 18 months of consultation and planning before the actual construction of the submarines can begin. The US plans to sell between three and five Virginia-class submarines to Australia in the 2030s, before Australia starts building its own submarines in the 2040s. The US Navy and the US submarine industry are hoping to increase their production rate to meet the demand for both domestic and foreign submarines, but they face challenges such as supply chain fragility, labor shortages, cost overruns, and technology protection.

The second component is intended to foster deeper information sharing and technology sharing among the three AUKUS partners, but it also requires streamlining defense trade and export controls between them. The US Congress needs to approve four legislative proposals this year to authorize the transfer of submarines to Australia, to allow maintenance of US submarines in Australia and Britain, to authorize Australian funding for US shipyards and training of Australian workers, and to simplify defense trade between AUKUS partners.

The AUKUS deal is a historic and strategic initiative that aims to enhance the security and stability of the Indo-Pacific region and beyond. However, it also poses significant challenges and risks for the three countries involved and their allies and partners. The deal will require substantial investments, coordination, and oversight from the governments, parliaments, militaries, industries, and publics of the three countries.


The AUKUS deal is a historic and strategic initiative that aims to enhance the security and stability of the Indo-Pacific region and beyond. However, it also poses significant challenges and risks for the U.S. submarine industrial base, which is already under pressure to deliver submarines for the U.S. Navy and its allies. The deal will require substantial investments, coordination, and oversight from Congress, the Pentagon, the Navy, and the industry to ensure that it does not compromise the quality, quantity, or timeliness of the U.S. submarine fleet.

We at Americans for a Stronger Navy believe that AUKUS could be a worthwhile and beneficial endeavor that could strengthen our naval power and our alliances. However, we also acknowledge that there are different views and perspectives on this deal, both within and outside the U.S. We think that it is important to learn more from those who support and those who oppose the deal, and to understand their arguments and concerns. We also think that it is vital to hear from the American public, who ultimately have a stake in the future of our naval force and our national security. Therefore, we invite you to share your opinions and feedback on AUKUS with us, and to join the conversation on this topic with your fellow Americans.

•  Some Republican lawmakers, such as Representative Rob Wittman, the ranking member of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces. He said that the plan to sell Virginia-class submarines to Australia would “unacceptably weaken our own submarine fleet without a clear plan to replace them” and that the administration has not provided any evidence that the submarine industrial base can handle the additional workload. Click here to review additional detail.

•  Some defense analysts, such as Bryan Clark, a former Navy strategist and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute. He said that selling submarines to Australia would reduce the number of attack submarines available to the U.S. Navy and that the Navy should prioritize building its own next-generation attack submarine (SSN-X) before exporting it. Click here for additional detail.

Some of the groups and individuals who are concerned about U.S. technology getting into the wrong hands are:

•  Some Democratic lawmakers, such as Senator Edward Markey, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He said that he was “deeply concerned” about the potential for nuclear proliferation and leakage of sensitive technology as a result of the AUKUS deal and that he would seek assurances from the administration that it would not undermine the global nonproliferation regime. Click here for additional detail.

•  Some former U.S. officials, such as Richard Armitage, a former deputy secretary of state under George W. Bush. He said that he was “very nervous” about sharing nuclear propulsion technology with Australia and Britain and that he feared that it could be compromised by China or other adversaries. Click here for additional detail.

The AUKUS deal, which involves supplying Australia with nuclear-powered submarines, has sparked a heated debate among various stakeholders in the U.S. and abroad. Some of them have expressed opposition or concern about the deal, based on different reasons and perspectives. For example, some Republican lawmakers, such as Representative Rob Wittman, argue that the deal would weaken the U.S. submarine fleet and industrial base, without a clear plan to replace the submarines sold to Australia. Some defense analysts, such as Bryan Clark, suggest that the deal would reduce the availability of attack submarines for the U.S. Navy and that the Navy should prioritize building its own next-generation submarine (SSN-X) before exporting it. Some Democratic lawmakers, such as Senator Edward Markey, are worried about the potential for nuclear proliferation and leakage of sensitive technology as a result of the deal and seek assurances from the administration that it would not undermine the global nonproliferation regime. Some former U.S. officials, such as Richard Armitage, are nervous about sharing nuclear propulsion technology with Australia and Britain and fear that it could be compromised by China or other adversaries.

We will continue to monitor and report on this topic as it unfolds. We invite you to follow along and read more reports and studies on this topic as we delve deeper into this important and timely issue. We also welcome your feedback and suggestions as we seek to inform and engage our members and friends on behalf of Americans for a Stronger Navy. The time to act is now. Stay tuned for more updates soon.

From Depths to Skies: Exploring the Future Landscape of U.S. Naval Power: Segment: Submarine Fleet

Virginia-class submarine New Jersey (SSN 796) recently translated at HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding Division. Credit: Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc.

Welcome to the next segment of our series: From Depths to Skies: Exploring the Future Landscape of the U.S. Naval Power.

In this series, we aim to inform and engage our members and friends on behalf of Americans for a Stronger Navy. We examine the current and future challenges and opportunities for the U.S. Navy in maintaining its global leadership and superiority in the maritime domain.

In the previous segments, we covered various topics related to the U.S. naval power, such as The RAND perspective on the U.S. naval strategy and policy, including the recommendations and insights from their recent reports and publications. An interview with Captain Brent Sadler, a former naval officer and a current professor at the Naval War College, on his views and experiences on the U.S. naval strategy and policy.

US Navy Submarine Fleet Deep Dive

In this segment, we will focus on one of the most important and complex elements of the U.S. naval power: the submarine fleet. We will dive deep into the issues and options for the future of the submarine fleet and into the myriad aspects of U.S. naval strength and its potential trajectory. Your insights, concerns, and support drive the transformation of the Navy, securing our nation’s future.

The submarine fleet is one of the most important and complex elements of the U.S. naval power. It provides stealth, deterrence, and strike capabilities in various domains and regions.

However, the fleet also faces many challenges, such as aging platforms, maintenance backlogs, rising costs, and growing threats from adversaries.

In this series:

  • We’ll dive deep into the issues and options for the future of the submarine fleet.
  • Examine the current status, plans, and priorities of the Navy for its submarine force structure, acquisition, and modernization.
  • Review the perspectives and concerns of various stakeholders, such as lawmakers, analysts, critics, and allies.
  • Finally, we will explore some of the reports and studies that have been published on this topic and provide our own analysis and recommendations

Columbia-class Program

The Navy is charting its course to design and build 12 new ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs), set to succeed the Ohio-class SSBNs.

This is no minor endeavor—it’s the Navy’s pinnacle priority, representing a foundational element of our strategic deterrence.

Issue: A significant challenge emerges in the form of schedule risks. A delay in the delivery of the lead ship could compromise the Navy’s objective of ensuring at least 10 SSBNs are consistently available for deterrence patrols.

The Navy’s FY2020 30-year shipbuilding plan outlines that, given a timely procurement and an 84-month construction timeframe, a stable fleet of 10 SSBNs will be operational from 2030 for about nine years.

Pro: The new Columbia-class will reinforce our nuclear deterrence, with enhanced stealth, improved endurance, and cutting-edge communication capabilities over the Ohio-class.

Con: Financially, the program could demand a lion’s share of the Navy’s shipbuilding budget, overshadowing other initiatives or requiring additional funds from Congress.

Cost of Replacing the Navy Fleet

The fiscal implications of rejuvenating the Navy’s 296-ship fleet over the upcoming three decades are significant. Current projections place the cost around $31 billion annually, marking a 50% increment from the past three decades.

Issue: With intentions to acquire both Virginia-class and Columbia-class submarines concurrently, costs are set to soar. The anticipated annual spend for the next decade is estimated at $11 billion, more than double the previous decade.

Pro: Such an investment would culminate in a technologically superior and larger fleet by 2051. However, the operational and maintenance bills will also swell.

Con: This financial commitment could surpass previous shipbuilding budgets, prompting potential reallocations within the defense sector or elsewhere in the government.

Weapon Systems Annual Assessment

An analysis of 121 major defense acquisition programs (MDAPs) reveals shifts in cost, timelines, and technological maturity. From FY2019 to FY2020, the MDAPs’ acquisition cost surged by $8 billion, totaling $1.8 trillion.

Issue: The Virginia-class submarine program, for instance, faced a $2.4 billion hike, attributed to increased labor, material costs, and engineering changes. Interestingly, future economic inflation rates might provide some offset.

Pro: This assessment offers a holistic, independent review of MDAPs, identifying both commendable practices and extant challenges.

Con: Persistent challenges spotlighted in the assessment might impede delivery and efficacy.
Autonomous Systems for ASW

As global submarine threats from nations like China and Russia escalate, the U.S. is exploring the potential of autonomous systems to fortify anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities.

The proposed paradigm emphasizes using UUVs, USVs, and UAVs in a distributed sensor network.

Issue: This ASW vision demands substantive investments to tackle technological, operational, and structural challenges. A dedicated Navy program office for autonomous ASW systems, equipped with authority and resources, is highly recommended.

Pro: The innovative approach could expand coverage zones, diminish risks, slash costs, and heighten manned platform survivability.

Con: Challenges span reliable communication, data security, integration with legacy systems, and compliance with legal and ethical standards.

Undersea Nuclear Arms Control

The viability of integrating submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) and cruise missiles (SLCMs) in future nuclear arms control agreements demands attention.

Issue: Such integration might compromise the second-strike capability’s integrity. Addressing the U.S.-Russia asymmetry in nuclear triad reliance is imperative.

Pro: Integration could reduce accidental launch risks, foster strategic stability, and build trust among nuclear nations.

Con: Potential challenges encompass verification, negotiation complexities, and diverging interests among stakeholders.

Why It Matters: The Bedrock of National Security

The power of a nation is often measured by the might of its military, and at the heart of the United States’ defense strategy lies its naval force. The U.S. Navy, with its vast expanse of ships, submarines, and personnel, stands as a beacon of strength, ensuring the security of American shores and safeguarding its interests abroad.

But why should the average American care?

Every time we turn on the news and see international conflicts, trade negotiations, or discussions about global power dynamics, we are witnessing the ripple effects of naval strength and strategy.

A powerful navy ensures that the U.S. has a say in global matters, preserving peace, ensuring open sea lanes for trade, and offering a deterrence against potential adversaries. For the common citizen, this means a stable economy, job opportunities, and the assurance that they can sleep peacefully at night knowing they’re protected.

Moreover, as the geopolitical landscape shifts, the U.S. Navy’s strategy and fleet composition will inevitably change to counter emerging threats.

The decisions made today will shape the security and prosperity of future generations. It is, therefore, paramount for every American to be informed, engaged, and supportive of the endeavors that fortify the backbone of our nation’s defense: the U.S. Navy.

We profoundly value your continued engagement with Americans for a Stronger Navy. Together, we chart the course for a resilient, advanced, and secure naval future.

We invite you to follow along and read these reports as we delve into this important and timely topic. We also welcome your feedback and suggestions as we seek to inform and engage our members and friends on behalf of Americans for a Stronger Navy.

The time to act is now. Stay tuned for more updates soon. Until next time, fair winds and following seas!

Navigating Challenges: The Imperative of Naval Readiness in Modern Times

To Our Valued Members and Friends of Americans for a Stronger Navy,


Bill Cullifer, founder

As the founder of Americans for a Stronger Navy, I felt the pressing need to share my insights on a topic that is of paramount importance to our nation’s security and future. Our Naval force is not just a testament to our military prowess but a symbol of our commitment to safeguarding global peace and ensuring the freedom of our seas.

It’s undeniable that our U.S. Navy, along with other branches of our defense, has faced readiness challenges in recent times. A recent GAO report shed light on the Department of Defense’s (DOD) ongoing efforts to balance the readiness of its existing forces with the desire to modernize. Notably, the report highlighted the readiness challenges identified by the GAO across various domains, including the sea.

From the challenges of the pandemic to external geopolitical pressures, the Navy is facing a ship repair crisis that impacts its readiness. Recent data in the last fiscal year indicates only 36% of surface ship maintenance was completed on time, a decline from 44% in the preceding fiscal year. Furthermore, the GAO analysis of DOD readiness data points out that resource readiness ratings, which measure the status of personnel, equipment, supplies, and training, are a vital metric. These ratings provide a deeper understanding of how equipped our forces are to execute their designated missions.

Why Does This Matter?

Nearly two decades of conflict have degraded military readiness, the Navy included. As the GAO study reveals, to maintain our military’s advantage in this new age characterized by great-power competition, the DOD is earnestly working to rebuild and restore readiness while also embarking on modernization. Every delay, every deferred maintenance schedule, has real-world implications – from extended deployments for our sailors to decreased deterrence capabilities against potential adversaries.

Voices That Matter

I echo the sentiments of the now-retired Vice Admiral William Galinis, who once rightly pointed out the importance of continuous investment in our shipyards, saying, “We must continue to invest in our shipyards – both public and private – as they are critical enablers of our naval power projection.”

It’s not just the Navy’s higher-ups who understand this. The industry, the backbone of our naval infrastructure, has been vocal about its commitment. Jennifer Boykin, president of Newport News Shipbuilding, remarked, “We bring our expertise and experience in shipbuilding, engineering, and digital transformation to help the Navy achieve its goals and overcome its challenges.”

Brent Sadler, Senior Research Fellow, Naval Warfare and Advanced Technology, Center for National Defense, U.S. Navy officer and author of the highly acclaimed U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century: A New Strategy for Facing the Chinese and Russian Threat, commented, “How the U.S. Navy plans and builds its fleet is particularly important given the time frames required to recapitalize shipbuilding infrastructure, design, and build a larger modern fleet to meet maritime threats from China and Russia. Yet the Navy, shipbuilders, Congress, and the public do not seem to be on the same page. A better understanding of the foundational principles involved in shipbuilding can help to bridge these divides and also help the nation to recapture its maritime prowess and ensure that our maritime industry delivers warships on budget and on time. By focusing on best engineering design and construction principles rather than merely on numbers of ships commissioned, the Navy and shipbuilders can build the Navy the nation needs.”

A Straight Shooter’s Perspective

In all transparency, advocating for a stronger Navy is not about endorsing a particular industry. As the founder of Americans for a Stronger Navy, my primary motivation is a heartfelt desire to serve our great nation in the best way I know. I genuinely believe that many in the industry resonate with this sentiment. As the GAO report suggests, continued focus on the readiness of our existing forces is crucial as the DOD will rely on much of today’s force for decades to come.

An Invitation for Insightful Exploration

I encourage each and every one of our members and friends to review the recent GAO report in its entirety. Understanding the intricate dynamics of our Navy’s readiness and the broader implications for our national security is vital. Please find the report linked below. While I’ve shared my perspective, it’s essential to draw your own conclusions and engage in informed discussions. Together, our collective insight and understanding will only further the cause we so passionately champion.


The challenges faced by our Navy are profound, but they are not insurmountable. We stand at a pivotal moment in history, where our collective actions, advocacy, and awareness can bring about tangible positive changes. The essence of our Navy’s strength isn’t just in its formidable ships or advanced technologies; it lies in the indomitable spirit of the American people who support, maintain, and advance its mission. As we unite in purpose and commitment, let us also remember the tireless individuals – both in uniform and the civilian sectors – who strive daily to ensure our Navy remains a beacon of strength, deterrence, and hope in an increasingly complex world. Your involvement and voice matter. Together, we sail stronger.


Peace through Strength: A Time-Tested Perspective

USS Mount Whitney (LCC 20)
U.S. Navy photo

Maritime Diplomacy

Bill Cullifer, Founder

As the USS Mount Whitney, the Navy’s primary command-and-control ship in Europe, departs for the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, it joins a broader U.S. military buildup in the region. This deployment comes in the wake of intensified conflicts, as the U.S. lends its support to Israel during its ongoing engagement with Hamas. Such actions reiterate the Navy’s commitment to allies and the pivotal role maritime diplomacy plays in global geopolitics.

Comprehensive Maritime Power

The partnership between U.S. Sailors and Military Sealift Command civil service mariners showcases the harmony of military and civilian efforts. Their combined efforts in the U.S. 6th Fleet area are a testament to the multifaceted strength of our naval forces.

Building and Sustaining Relationships

For over eight decades, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-U.S. Naval Forces Africa (NAVEUR-NAVAF) has cultivated strategic relationships. Shared values form the bedrock of these alliances, contributing immensely to regional security and stability.

Diverse Operations, Singular Goal

While the U.S. Sixth Fleet is involved in a spectrum of joint and naval operations, its prime directive remains clear: safeguarding U.S. national security interests in Europe and Africa. By operating in these areas, the Navy is a beacon of stability and assurance.

Conclusion: The Path Forward

Our Navy’s continued efforts in Europe and Africa underscore a fundamental belief: peace is achieved not by retreat but by a balanced show of strength and diplomacy. As members and supporters of Americans for a Stronger Navy, we firmly stand by the principle of “peace through strength.” In championing a stronger Navy, we’re not advocating for conflict; we’re championing the most effective route to sustained peace.

Let us continue our support for our naval forces as they sail forward, fostering connections and ensuring the seas remain free and secure for all.

USS Carney Defends Regional Stability in the Red Sea

USS Carney DDG 64

Introduction to Members and Friends:

Greetings to our esteemed members and supporters of the Americans for a Stronger Navy. Today, we bring to your attention a significant event that underscores the indispensable role our U.S. Navy plays in maintaining global stability and safeguarding our allies.

Key Takeaways:

US Navy’s Proactive Defense: The USS Carney, a U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer in the northern Red Sea, has intercepted and shot down missiles and drones potentially targeting Israel. These threats were launched by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia in Yemen.

A Historic Action: This incident marks the first time in recent memory where a U.S. Navy ship in the Middle East has engaged with threats not aimed directly at the vessel. It’s a testament to the Navy’s commitment to the defense of our allies, Israel in this case.

Growing Regional Tensions: With the current conflicts between Israel and Hamas and the involvement of Iranian-backed proxies, the geopolitical scenario in the region is becoming increasingly volatile.

Efficient and Timely Response: The USS Carney’s swift action in shooting down the missiles ensures that threats, even those not aimed directly at our forces, are neutralized to maintain peace and stability in the region.

U.S. Military’s Enhanced Presence: Given the growing tensions, the U.S. has strengthened its military presence in the region. The USS Carney is part of the USS Gerald R. Ford carrier strike group that was deployed to deter potential aggressors and to support our allies.

Our Message is Clear: As Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder stated, the positioning of our naval assets and aircraft in the region is a clear signal of our intent to deter wider conflicts, bolster regional stability, and defend our national security interests.

In these challenging times, the importance of a robust naval force is more evident than ever. The events in the Red Sea are a reminder of the crucial role our Navy plays in ensuring not just our nation’s security, but also in maintaining a balance of power and ensuring the safety of our allies.

We salute the brave men and women aboard the USS Carney and thank them for their unwavering commitment and service.

USS Carney Defends Regional Stability in the Red Sea

Introduction to Members and Friends:

Greetings to our esteemed members and supporters of the Americans for a Stronger Navy. Today, we bring to your attention a significant event that underscores the indispensable role our U.S. Navy plays in maintaining global stability and safeguarding our allies.

Key Takeaways:

US Navy’s Proactive Defense: The USS Carney, a U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer in the northern Red Sea, has intercepted and shot down missiles and drones potentially targeting Israel. These threats were launched by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia in Yemen.

A Historic Action: This incident marks the first time in recent memory where a U.S. Navy ship in the Middle East has engaged with threats not aimed directly at the vessel. It’s a testament to the Navy’s commitment to the defense of our allies, Israel in this case.

Growing Regional Tensions: With the current conflicts between Israel and Hamas and the involvement of Iranian-backed proxies, the geopolitical scenario in the region is becoming increasingly volatile.

Efficient and Timely Response: The USS Carney’s swift action in shooting down the missiles ensures that threats, even those not aimed directly at our forces, are neutralized to maintain peace and stability in the region.

U.S. Military’s Enhanced Presence: Given the growing tensions, the U.S. has strengthened its military presence in the region. The USS Carney is part of the USS Gerald R. Ford carrier strike group that was deployed to deter potential aggressors and to support our allies.

Our Message is Clear: As Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder stated, the positioning of our naval assets and aircraft in the region is a clear signal of our intent to deter wider conflicts, bolster regional stability, and defend our national security interests.

In these challenging times, the importance of a robust naval force is more evident than ever. The events in the Red Sea are a reminder of the crucial role our Navy plays in ensuring not just our nation’s security, but also in maintaining a balance of power and ensuring the safety of our allies.

We salute the brave men and women aboard the USS Carney and thank them for their unwavering commitment and service.

A Gathering of Naval Legends: The Tin Can Sailors Reunite in Baltimore

2023 National Reunion of the Tin Can Sailors Association

Baltimore’s harbor set the stage for a reunion of historic proportions. It was here, under the proud flutter of the Stars and Stripes, that the Tin Can Sailors, valiant veterans of the U.S. Navy Destroyers, came together for their 2023 National Reunion of the Tin Can Sailors Association.

Dale A. Jenkins, Senior Advisor of Americans for a Stronger Navy, Tin Can Association Life Member, acclaimed author of “Diplomats and Admirals,” was among the esteemed attendees. His presence was a symbol of the union of shipmates recounting tales from the high seas, sharing memories of days gone by.

But why “Tin Cans”? The U.S. Navy Destroyers earned the informal moniker “Tin Cans” due to their thin hulls, which made them vulnerable, yet also swift and maneuverable. U in naval warfare. The sailors who manned them exhibited unparalleled courage and resilience, characteristics that the name “Tin Can” came to embody. It became a badge of honor, a testament to their tenacity and the robust spirit of these vessels.

The highlight of the reunion was a dinner cruise that took the veterans on a serene journey past Baltimore’s iconic skyline. The USS Constellation, a relic of naval history, proudly watched over them, serving as a reminder of the legacy these sailors have left behind.

The reunion was more than just a gathering; it was a commemoration. A tribute to the brave souls who, aboard ships like the USS George K. MacKenzie (DD-836), USS DeHaven DD727, and the USS Wadleigh DD-689, showcased valor and camaraderie. Each vessel’s name was a chapter in the annals of maritime warfare, each sailor a hero of that story.

However, the heart of the event was not the ships, nor the historical recounting, but the bonds that were reaffirmed among these blue water sailors. Bonds that were forged on the swaying decks of their ships, in the heat of battle, and in moments of shared laughter and tears.

“Our time aboard these ships was not just about missions or deployments completed. It was about the brotherhood we formed, the challenges we overcame, and the memories we created. Each wave we sailed, each storm we weathered, added a page to the legacy of the U.S. Navy. We may have sailed on ‘Tin Cans’, but our spirit was, and always will be, unbreakable.” – Dale A. Jenkins said.

In the midst of a rapidly changing world, the reunion served as a timeless beacon, illuminating the values of dedication, honor, and camaraderie. It was a celebration of not just the ships, but the men who served upon them, leaving an indelible mark in the annals of U.S. naval history. These Tin Can Sailors, with their tales of courage and dedication, stood as testament to the enduring spirit of the naval fraternity.

As the event drew to a close, there was a collective understanding that while years may come and go, the legacy of the Tin Can Sailors would remain eternal, forever echoing the undying spirit of the U.S. Navy.

The ships they served on, names echoing with history and honor, were proudly listed:

  1. USS Alfred A. Cunningham DD-752
  2. USS Barney DDG-6
  3. USS Blandy DD-943
  4. USS Borie DD-704
  5. USS Brown DD-546
  6. USS Brownson DD-868
  7. USS Caron DD-970
  8. USS Compton DD-705
  9. USS Conolly DD-979
  10. USS Cowell DD-547
  11. USS Dale DLG-19
  12. USS David R. Ray DD-971
  13. USS DeHaven DD-727
  14. USS Dewey DLG-14
  15. USS Duncan DDR-874
  16. USS Dyess DD-880
  17. USS Edwards DD-619
  18. USS Estocin FFG-15
  19. USS Eversole DD-789
  20. USS Fletcher DD-992
  21. USS Floyd B. Parks DD-884
  22. USS Frank Knox DD-742
  23. USS Frontier AD-25
  24. USS George K. MacKenzie DD-836
  25. USS Glover AGDE-1
  26. USS Goodrich DDR-831
  27. USS Hank DD-702
  28. USS Harry E. Hubbard DD-748
  29. USS Hunt DD-674
  30. USS James E. Kyes DD-787
  31. USS Jarrett FFG-33
  32. USS John Hood DD-655
  33. USS John R. Craig DD-885
  34. USS John W. Weeks DD-701
  35. USS John W. Thomason DD-760
  36. USS John Young DD-973
  37. USS Laffey DD-724
  38. USS Lawrence DDG-4
  39. USS Lofberg DD-759
  40. USS McCaffery DD-860
  41. USS McCracken APA-198
  42. USS Mills DER-383
  43. USS Myles C. Fox DDR-829
  44. USS Newman K. Perry DD-883
  45. USS O’Brien DD-725
  46. USS O’Callahan DE/FF-1051
  47. USS Orleck DD-886
  48. USS Preble DLG-15
  49. USS Remey DD-688
  50. USS Richard E. Kraus DD-849
  51. USS Robert A. Owens DD-827
  52. USS Robert L. Wilson DD-847
  53. USS Robert H. McCard DD-822
  54. USS Rogers DDR-876
  55. USS Sarsfield DD-837
  56. USS Somers DDG-34
  57. USS Theodore E. Chandler DD-717
  58. USS Wadleigh DD-689
  59. USS Weeks DD-701
  60. USS William C. Lawe DD-763
  61. USS William V. Pratt DLG-13
  62. USS Willis A. Lee DL-4
  63. USS Wiltsie DD-716
  64. USS Yellowstone AD

Honarable mention: A special shout out to all of those that served in the Destroyer Navy particularly the USS Henry B. Wilson, (DDG7) the Americans for a Stronger Navy favorite DDG.

From Depths to Skies: Exploring the Future Landscape of U.S. Naval Power.

Segment: An Interview with Captain Brent Sadler on U.S. Naval Strategy and Policy

Bill Cullifer, founder

Editor’s Note: This segment is a continuation of our series “From Depths to Skies: Exploring the Future Landscape of U.S. Naval Power.” After exploring the future landscape of US Naval Power the RAND Perspective on U.S. naval power, we now converse with Captain Brent Sadler, a retired Navy officer and an expert on Naval strategy. Captain Sadler, currently a senior research fellow at The Heritage Foundation, has penned “U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century: A New Strategy for Facing the Chinese and Russian Threat,” a pivotal read for those invested in our national security.

“The world is on the cusp of a dangerous decade, and whether it becomes a violent peace or worse is a function of how we as a nation choose to respond. Conventional thinking has not delivered the results or the forces needed to effectively compete with China and Russia.” – Brent Sadler

This is how Captain Brent Sadler, a retired Navy officer and an expert on naval power, begins his book U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century: A New Strategy for Facing the Chinese and Russian Threat. In this book, he proposes a new strategy for U.S. naval power that integrates diplomacy, military operations, and economic statecraft to counter the challenges posed by China and Russia in the maritime domain.

As the founder of Americans for a Stronger Navy, I recognize the importance of a strong U.S. Navy more than anyone. The Navy protects our shores, our allies, and our way of life. But the Navy is facing new challenges in the 21st century, from China’s growing military power to Russia’s aggressive behavior.

That is why I reached out to Captain Sadler and asked him to share his insights and recommendations on U.S. naval power and how to overcome these challenges. He was very gracious to spend a few minutes in between meetings to discuss an office visit for a more in-depth series of conversations.


In our brief conversation, Captain Sadler highlighted:

Urgency: The U.S. Navy must respond swiftly to deter threats from China and Russia. He stressed on fortifying maritime infrastructure, including shipyards and ports.

Public Awareness: He appreciated efforts to enlighten Americans about the Navy’s significance.

Naval Vision: He resonates with the vision of expanding the Navy fleet, infusing new technologies, devising fresh strategies, and bolstering alliances.

Future Discussions: Captain Sadler is keen on delving into his strategy’s nuances in our subsequent sit-down in Washington D.C.


Captain Sadler’s book proposes a holistic naval strategy encapsulating diplomacy, military operations, and economic statecraft.

He bases his strategy on:

• Ensuring a credible deterrence posture.

• Augmenting maritime security cooperation.

• Broadening maritime domain awareness.

• Championing maritime governance and norms.

This strategy dovetails with the RAND Perspective, emphasizing innovation, alliances, and presence for the Navy’s evolution.


Join us in our upcoming interviews with Captain Sadler. Dive deeper into his work in Washingtom D.C.

Remember, as Americans, our Navy’s future strength and readiness lie in our hands. Let’s rally together for a robust U.S. naval power.

U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century: A New Strategy for Facing the Chinese and Russian Threat

The Lone Sailor: A Testament to Service Beyond the Bronze

Lone Sailor, Oahu Naval Base Honolulu, HI – Wikipedia

Hello dear members and subscribers of the Americans for a Stronger Navy.

Bill Cullifer, founder

Today, I embark on sharing a podcast series that’s special to me. It interweaves my service in the Navy, a representative statue symbolizing sailors worldwide, and an inspiring tale of a man named Dan Maloney. Through him, a face was given to this iconic figure. 

Over the next few months, we’ll unravel the detailed story of the Lone Sailor statue, the craftsmen behind it, and my intertwined connection to its legacy.

As someone who’s served in the U.S. Navy, I’ve always felt a strong connection to its history, its values, and its symbols. This statue isn’t just a piece of art; it’s a testament to the service and sacrifice of sailors around the globe.

Here’s what we have in store:

Episode 1: “The Origin of The Lone Sailor: A Legacy Cast in Bronze”

Dan Maloney and the Lone Sailor,
San Francisco. CA. Image courtesy of Dan Maloney

Dive into the rich history of the Lone Sailor statue, its significance, and the tale of Dan Maloney, a sailor whose life and service became intrinsically linked to this enduring symbol. Discover the artist’s vision, delve into the hurdles faced during its creation—including the intricate approval process by various committees—and grasp its broader significance in representing all who’ve served in the U.S.Navy.

Episode 2: “Navigating Troubled Waters: Dan Maloney’s Naval Journey”

Dan Maloney and the Lone Sailor,
Washington D.C.- Image courtesy of Dan Maloney

Set sail on Dan Maloney’s naval adventures. From his early years to his rise through the ranks, uncover the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of Naval life during the tumultuous Cold War era.

Episode 3: “Beyond the Bronze: Secrets, Art, and Politics”

Art meets politics in this deep dive into the hidden stories surrounding the Lone Sailor. From the politics of recognition to personal anecdotes, explore the intricate tapestry of duty, art, and politics.

Episode 4: “Full Circle: Revisiting the Lone Sailor in Oahu”

Reconnect with the Lone Sailor as we circle back to its resting place in Oahu. Revel in shared Naval experiences, discussions on heritage, and a reflection on the values the statue embodies.

As we embark on this journey, I invite you to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of stories, experiences, and insights that the Lone Sailor symbolizes.

Episode 1: “The Origin of The Lone Sailor: A Legacy Cast in Bronze”

Lone Sailor, Honolulu. HI image by Bill Cullifer

In January 2018, while visiting Honolulu, HI. to manage my deceased father’s estate, I found myself standing before the recently erected Lone Sailor statue on the Navy base at Pearl Harbor. The weight of its presence was noticeable – this symbolic figure with a chiseled face resonated deeply with me, a former Navy man myself. 

The statue conveyed the ethos of every sailor: the valor, the longing, the adventures of the seas, memories of home, and the dedication to service and country. 

But my connection to this iconic figure goes beyond my personal experience. In fact; I only recently discovered the intriguing story behind it. 

While promoting educational initiatives sponsored by the newly founded, ‘Americans for a Stronger Navy’, which I founded and now manage, I stumbled upon the story of Dan Maloney and the Lone Sailor on social media. Reading about his experiences, I realized he was someone I’d not only want to interview but genuinely like to meet in person.

In my interactions with Dan for the ‘Americans for a Stronger Navy’ initiative, our conversations were both insightful and illuminating. To me, Dan embodies a notable progression and dedication I envision for our Navy. His personal journey, from being the face of the Lone Sailor statue to remaining committed to the Navy and ultimately becoming an officer, stands as a testament to resilience and commitment. We shared tales of Hawaii’s Diamond Head, reminisced about our service days, bonded over classic rock concerts, and discussed the profound significance of the statue in our lives. Among the shared narratives, a touching story about his mother visiting the statue and her unique bond with the construction crew of 1987.

Stanley Bleifeld’s Vision:

The Lone Sailor wasn’t just any sculpture for Bleifeld; it was a homage to naval service worldwide. As a WWII sailor himself, he was deeply connected to the essence of Naval service, and this statue was a means to eternalize that essence. He envisioned a sailor who embodied every facet of naval life – the courage, the commitment, and the sacrifice. In young submariner Dan Maloney, he saw the face that would represent all sailors, past, present, and future.

Creating the Lone Sailor wasn’t just about crafting a statue; it was about capturing an essence that represented sailors universally. When renowned sculptor Stanley Bleifeld envisioned his masterpiece, he was aware that its resonance and impact would be felt by countless sailors and their families. But before his vision could be set in bronze, it had to navigate the complexities of approval.

The design journey of the Lone Sailor was punctuated by numerous committee evaluations. Each committee, comprising individuals with varied perspectives and stakes in the statue, reviewed and critiqued the design.

These committees played a crucial role, ensuring that the statue not only embodied artistic prowess but also accurately represented the ethos and spirit of Naval service. This multi-layered approval process added time and challenges to the project, but it was necessary to ensure that the final product was something that every sailor, past and present, could look at with pride.

Dan graciously shared two key documents, illuminating the depths of his connection with the statue. First, an article from the Navy Times in 2001 offers an intimate first-person recounting of the day this impressive bronze figure was revealed to the world.

The first, an article from the Navy Times in 2001, portrayed an intimate first-person account of the day the statue was unveiled. 

The second revealed the detailed account of the statue’s birth. World War II sailor and renowned sculptor, Stanley Bleifeld, faced multiple challenges to finalize the statue. And the face of the sailor? It was modeled after young submariner Daniel Maloney. But this series delves deeper than just art and legacy; it’s a journey through time, memories, shared experiences, and the many challenges faced by those who’ve served. Stay Tuned…”

But who is Dan Maloney? And how did his face become immortalized in bronze? Find out in our next episode, where we will explore his Naval journey, his challenges, and his triumphs”

In our next installment, we will delve deeper into Dan’s life beyond the statue, the heartfelt story of his mother and the construction crew, and more on how our paths converged in unexpected ways. Ready to navigate troubled waters?

Join us as we sail through the seas of history, art, and service.

A Tribute to Chicago’s Naval Legacy: Admiral Rickover’s New Submarine

USS Hyman G. Rickover


The sea’s immense depths have long symbolized mystery, vastness, and immense power. The submarines that glide beneath the waves are a testament to our nation’s commitment to defense and technological advancement. 

This week, the U.S. Navy unveiled its latest masterpiece, USS Hyman G. Rickover, a nuclear submarine named after one of Chicago’s own. In an age where military tensions bristle and global challenges surge, this submarine, and the history it represents, signifies the Navy’s dedication to ensuring America’s defense remains unparalleled.

Chicago’s Submarine Legacy

The U-boat Museum Connection

When one mentions Chicago and submarines, it’s hard not to envision the iconic German U-boat displayed at the Museum of Science and Industry. This captured artifact serves as a reminder of our past challenges and triumphs.

Admiral Rickover: The Visionary Behind Nuclear Submarines

Yet, Chicago’s submarine legacy doesn’t end there. Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, a figure intertwined with Chicago’s fabric, has now received his second tribute in the form of the USS Hyman G. Rickover, a state-of-the-art fast-attack nuclear-powered submarine. Rickover’s journey, from fleeing Jewish persecution in Poland to settling in Chicago’s North Lawndale and ascending the Navy ranks, is nothing short of inspiring.

Under his leadership, the concept of a nuclear-powered submarine transformed from an idea to a reality. He recognized the limitations of diesel submarines, which frequently needed to surface. With nuclear power, submarines gained the capability to remain submerged for prolonged periods, revolutionizing naval warfare.

Why It Matters

Submarines in Modern Defense

Bill Nissen, a Chicago lawyer and former Naval Officer, emphasizes the significance of these submarines. Their stealthy nature, ability to stay hidden, and readiness to act make them invaluable assets to national defense.

Chicago’s Ongoing Contribution

The USS Hyman G. Rickover is not just named in tribute to a Chicago legend but will also have four crew members hailing from the city. Among them is Chief Petty Officer Gino Rossi of St. Charles, who, like many servicemen, embarks on this mission carrying the hopes, pride, and concerns of his family back home.

Honoring a Legacy

Naming this the second submarine after Admiral Rickover, who holds the record for serving in the U.S. military for an incredible 63 years, is a testament to the Navy’s commitment to honoring its heroes. It’s a message that valiant service, vision, and dedication to one’s nation will never be forgotten.


The unveiling of the USS Hyman G. Rickover is more than just the launch of another submarine; it’s a celebration of a visionary, the recognition of Chicago’s integral role in naval history, and a statement of America’s unyielding commitment to its defense. As global challenges loom, such tributes remind us of the strength, innovation, and unity that underpin our nation.

Happy Birthday US Navy

Happy Birthday US Navy from
Americans for a Stronger Navy

Dear Navy Family,

Today marks the 248th birthday of the US Navy, the most formidable and adaptable Naval force on the global stage. This day serves as a testament to the valor, dedication, and resilience of those who wear the Navy uniform, past and present. We equally salute the unyielding support of their families, the backbone behind their service.

Having served as an enlisted man on the Henry B. Wilson (DDG7), I’ve borne witness to numerous moments of camaraderie and growth. Yet, my time working alongside LCDR Nosal remains etched in my memory. His method of mentorship, a blend of wisdom and patience, was transformative. LCDR Nosal had this innate ability to identify potential and nurture it, turning raw talent into formidable skill. LCDR Nosal, wherever you are your commitment to building up those around you didn’t just make us better sailors but better individuals. You truly embodied what it means to lead with heart and purpose in the Navy.

This unwavering commitment, combined with the lessons from leaders like LCDR Nosal and others on board, inspired both the foundation of and my personal desire to mentor and teach.

Our vision is clear: advocate for a robust, future-ready, and stronger Navy that stands guard over our nation’s interests and acts as a beacon of peace globally. Through our platform, we aim to amplify the importance of naval supremacy, champion the Navy’s forward-looking endeavors, and extend a helping hand to our Navy brethren and their kin.

A fortified Navy ensures our nation’s safety, prosperity, and the liberties we hold dear. This vision, however, can only be realized with your support. I invite you to champion our cause, to become an integral part of our fraternity. Your involvement can chart the course for our Navy’s brighter tomorrow.

