Hello, members and friends of Americans for a Stronger Navy. We have some exciting news to share with you today. The Navy has received its first Orca Extra Large Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (XLUUV) from Boeing, following a series of tests at sea. This is a major milestone for the Navy’s unmanned undersea capabilities, and we are proud to support this innovative and game-changing program.
What is Orca and why is it important?
Orca is a new class of autonomous submarine that can perform long duration critical missions to achieve undersea maritime dominance in changing environments and contested waters. Orca is based on Boeing’s Echo Voyager, a prototype XLUUV that began at-sea testing in 2017 and was a precursor to the Navy’s Orca XLUUV competition. Echo Voyager has spent over 10,000 hours operating at sea and transited hundreds of nautical miles autonomously.
Orca is important because it provides the Navy with a new and versatile tool to enhance its undersea warfare capabilities and to deter and defeat potential adversaries. Orca can operate in areas that are too dangerous, too distant, or too denied for manned submarines, and can extend the Navy’s reach and persistence in the maritime domain. Orca can also complement and augment the Navy’s existing and future manned and unmanned undersea assets, and provide a cost-effective and scalable solution for the Navy’s undersea needs.
What are the implications for the Navy?
The delivery of the first Orca XLUUV is a significant achievement for the Navy and Boeing, and a testament to their innovation, perseverance, and unwavering commitment. The Navy plans to acquire five more Orca XLUUVs in the future, and to gradually ramp up the quantities and capabilities of these vehicles. The Navy will also conduct further testing and evaluation of Orca, and apply the lessons learned to improve the reliability and performance of the system.
The Navy’s acquisition of Orca XLUUVs is part of a broader effort to develop and deploy a variety of unmanned systems for the fleet, including unmanned surface vessels and unmanned aerial systems. The Navy’s vision is to integrate these systems into a networked and distributed force that can operate across all domains and domains, and to leverage the advantages of autonomy, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to enhance the Navy’s decision-making and effectiveness.
The Navy’s investment in Orca XLUUVs and other unmanned systems reflects the Navy’s recognition of the changing security environment and the technological developments that are eroding the U.S. military advantages. The Navy faces growing challenges and threats from China and Russia, who are developing and deploying advanced anti-access/area denial capabilities, such as submarines, missiles, and cyber weapons, to challenge the U.S. presence and influence in the Indo-Pacific and Europe. The Navy also faces emerging and evolving challenges from rogue regimes, such as Iran and North Korea, and violent non-state actors, such as terrorists and pirates, who pose threats to the U.S. interests and allies in the Middle East and Africa.
The Navy’s adoption of Orca XLUUVs and other unmanned systems demonstrates the Navy’s commitment and ability to adapt and innovate to meet these challenges and to maintain its maritime superiority. The Navy’s use of Orca XLUUVs and other unmanned systems also reaffirms the Navy’s role and responsibility as the “keepers of the peace” in a turbulent and uncertain world, and as a vital partner and leader in the international community, working with allies and partners to uphold the rules-based order and to promote peace and security.
What others are saying
- “This has been a very busy year for the XLUUV team and their hard work is culminating in delivery of the Navy’s first-ever unmanned diesel-electric submarine. We look forward to continued success with our Boeing teammates in fielding this important capability for the warfighter.” – Capt. Scot Searles, US Navy Unmanned Maritime Systems Program Manager
- “The Orca XLUUV is a multi-phased accelerated acquisition featuring a full and open competition to industry to design, fabricate, test and deliver systems to the US Navy. The navy selected the best value of price and technical capabilities.” – Alan Baribeau, US Naval Sea Systems Command spokesperson
- “Orca XLUUV is a game-changing capability that will provide the Navy with a long-range, long-endurance, multi-mission undersea vehicle that will complement and augment the Navy’s undersea force structure.” – Rear Adm. Casey Moton, US Navy Program Executive Officer for Unmanned and Small Combatants
We at Americans for a Stronger Navy congratulate the Navy and Boeing on the delivery of the first Orca XLUUV, and we look forward to seeing more of these vehicles in the fleet. We believe that Orca XLUUV is a critical and revolutionary capability that will enhance the Navy’s undersea warfare and deterrence posture, and that will support the Navy’s strategic plan and its 30-year shipbuilding plan.
We urge Congress and the public to support the Navy’s acquisition and development of Orca XLUUV and other unmanned systems, and to provide the necessary funding and oversight for their implementation. We also encourage the Navy to continue to improve its performance and accountability, and to foster a culture of innovation and excellence.
We also commend the Navy for its continued engagement and cooperation with its allies and partners, and for its dedication and service to the nation and the world. We stand with the Navy, and we thank them for their service and sacrifice.