The Celebration at Pointe du Hoc
On June 5, 2023, service members and civilians in France honored D-Day veterans during the 79th anniversary ceremony at Pointe du Hoc. This ceremony underscored the heroic efforts of the 2nd and 5th Ranger Battalions who scaled the cliffs at Normandy, France, in 1944. The Defense Department recognizes these heroes for their selfless service and sacrifice in the pursuit of global peace and security.
Operation Neptune: The U.S. Navy on D-Day
The naval component of Operation Overlord, known as Operation Neptune, began in the early hours of June 6, 1944. This operation marked the start of the Allied invasion of German-occupied France and played a vital role in breaking Hitler’s Festung Europa (Fortress Europe).
The Allied Invasion Fleet
Under the command of Admiral Sir Bertram H. Ramsay, the Allied invasion fleet was divided into Western (American) and Eastern (British) Task Forces. They embarked upon the massive assault, the naval part of which was executed under the command of Rear Admiral Alan G. Kirk, Task Force 122.
The Bombardment and The Challenges
In opening the invasion, a naval bombardment within the American sectors was coordinated with the arrival of Eighth Air Force bombers. Despite the remarkable firepower of the U.S. Navy, German forces did not suffer significant casualties during the bombardment.
The Role of Naval Combat Demolition Units (NCDUs)
The NCDUs, combined with U.S. Army engineers, formed gap assault teams (GATs) tasked with detonating mines and clearing obstacles on the landing beaches. Despite the intense enemy fire and rapidly rising tide, the gap assault teams on Omaha managed to clear five of the 16 assigned gaps.
Heroism at Omaha Beach
The success of the invasion seemed most dubious at Omaha Beach, where the American GIs remained pinned down, unable to advance. The situation began to turn around when a handful of British and American destroyers began pounding the enemy gun positions. The Allied troops were finally able to move forward, engage, and destroy the enemy.
The Significance of D-Day
The successful invasion of northern France on D-Day marked a significant moment in U.S. naval history. Rear Admiral Kirk, reflecting on the day, stated, “Our greatest asset was the resourcefulness of the American sailor.”
—Guy J. Nasuti, NHHC Histories and Archives Division, May 2019