Si vis pacem, para bellum – Peace Through Strength

The title “Si vis pacem, para bellum – Peace Through Strength” accurately reflects the central message of Americans for a Stronger Navy and its philosophy that by preparing for war, nations can achieve a lasting peace. This message is deeply rooted in the history of the phrase “Si vis pacem, para bellum,” which has been adopted and adapted by many different groups over the centuries.

For Americans for a Stronger Navy, the idea of preparing for war in order to secure peace is central to their mission. We believe that a strong and capable Navy is essential to protecting the United States and its interests, both at home and abroad. By investing in military programs and promoting policies that support veterans and their families, Americans for a Stronger Navy seeks to ensure that the US Navy remains the most powerful and effective naval force in the world.

The philosophy of Americans for a Stronger Navy is embodied in the phrase “Si vis pacem, para bellum.” This ancient Latin adage means “If you want peace, prepare for war,” and it has become a guiding principle for the organization. We also believe that by deterring potential adversaries and projecting military power when necessary, the US Navy can help to maintain stability and prevent conflicts from escalating. Moreover, a strong Navy can enable the US to provide humanitarian assistance and support to its allies, further promoting peace and stability around the world.

In this way, the message of “Si vis pacem, para bellum” is at the core of the philosophy of Americans for a Stronger Navy. By preparing for war, we hope to achieve a lasting peace that is maintained through strength and deterrence, rather than through conflict and violence. The title “Si vis pacem, para bellum – Peace Through Strength.”