Ocean Shipping Disruptions and Their Economic Impact on Americans

Bill Cullifer, Founder
Bill Cullifer, Founder


As the founder of Americans for a Stronger Navy, I have encountered a few pushback from those who believe that the need for a stronger Navy is overstated and that current global situations are someone else’s problem. This perspective overlooks the critical role that a robust Navy plays in safeguarding our economic interests and national security. In light of recent disruptions in ocean shipping, it is crucial to understand why the vast majority of Americans support a stronger Navy and how it impacts our daily lives.

Why This Matters

Global supply chains are intricately connected, and disruptions in one part of the world can have far-reaching impacts. The Red Sea, a critical maritime route, has recently seen increased attacks, forcing vessels to divert and causing gridlock at key ports such as Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, China, and parts of Europe. This congestion is reminiscent of the chaos experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the repercussions are already being felt across the logistics and shipping industries.

Key Takeaways

  1. Rising Shipping Costs: The diversions and delays are leading to increased shipping costs. With vessels stuck waiting for berths and navigating longer routes, the cost of transporting goods is climbing rapidly.
  2. Port Congestion: Ports are struggling to manage the influx of containers, leading to long wait times and operational inefficiencies. This congestion exacerbates delays and adds to the overall costs of shipping goods.
  3. Supply Chain Delays: As ports become bottlenecks, the timely delivery of goods is compromised. This affects the availability of products on store shelves, especially as we head into the holiday season, traditionally a peak period for consumer spending.Implications for the U.S. Navy

Implications for the U. S. Navy

Drawing from Alfred Mahan’s principles of sea power, the current instability in the Red Sea underscores the importance of maintaining control over critical maritime routes. The U.S. Navy’s presence in these regions ensures the security of trade routes, thereby safeguarding the global economy and national interests. Mahan emphasized that control of the seas, especially through a formidable navy, is crucial not only for wartime dominance but also for peacetime economic influence.

Implications for America

The economic implications of these disruptions are multifaceted:

  1. Increased Consumer Prices: The rising costs of shipping are often passed down to consumers. Whether it’s electronics, clothing, or everyday household items, Americans will likely see higher prices at the checkout counter.
  2. Inflationary Pressures: As transportation costs rise, so do the prices of goods. This can contribute to broader inflationary pressures, impacting the overall cost of living.
  3. Business Costs: Companies that rely on imported goods face higher operational costs. These businesses may need to increase prices to maintain margins, further affecting consumer prices.
  4. Supply Chain Reliability: The reliability of supply chains is crucial for economic stability. Persistent delays and disruptions can lead to stock shortages, affecting businesses’ ability to meet consumer demand and potentially leading to lost sales and revenue.

Lessons from Alfred Mahan

Nicholas Lambert’s book, “The Neptune Factor,” reexamines Mahan’s theories, arguing that sea power is not just about military might but also economic influence. Alfred Thayer Mahan, a prominent American naval officer and historian, is best known for his influential book, “The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660–1783.” Mahan’s groundbreaking ideas emphasized the strategic importance of a formidable naval presence to deter potential adversaries and ensure economic prosperity through control of maritime trade routes. Lambert emphasizes the need to integrate new technologies, such as cybersecurity and unmanned vehicles, and address environmental threats to maintain maritime dominance and economic security.

What Can Be Done?

To mitigate these impacts, several measures can be taken:

  1. Diversifying Supply Chains: Companies can explore alternative routes and suppliers to reduce dependency on any single shipping lane.
  2. Investing in Infrastructure: Enhancing port infrastructure and technology can improve efficiency and reduce congestion.
  3. Policy Measures: Governments can play a role in ensuring maritime security and supporting international efforts to stabilize regions like the Red Sea.


Current disruptions in ocean shipping underscore the vulnerability of global supply chains to geopolitical events. As Americans, understanding these connections is crucial. The economic ripple effects—from increased consumer prices to broader inflationary pressures—highlight the importance of resilient and adaptive strategies in both business and policy.

By addressing these challenges proactively, we can better navigate the complexities of a globalized economy and ensure stability and prosperity for all.

Drawing from Mahan’s insights, we must recognize that sea power encompasses both military strength and economic influence. Maintaining a robust naval presence and addressing modern challenges is essential for safeguarding our economic security and way of life.

Charting the Course: Steering Through Rising Tides – The Imperative for Strategic Vigilance

Chineese Navy guided-missile destroyer Xian – USNavy


In our ongoing series “Charting the Course: Navigating the Future of U.S. Naval Power in the Face of Chinese Challenges,” we continue to unravel the intricate tapestry of geopolitical maneuvers and military posturing that defines the current state of affairs in the Indo-Pacific region.

Last week, we laid the groundwork by examining the overarching themes of China’s maritime ambitions and their implications for global maritime security.

This week, we delve deeper into recent developments that further underscore the urgency and complexity of the challenges at hand.

Building upon our previous discussions, this installment aims to shed light on the escalating tensions in the South China Sea, particularly through the lens of a recent incident involving the Chinese coast guard and a Taiwanese tourist boat, as well as the broader implications of China’s unprecedented military buildup.

Join us as we navigate these turbulent waters, seeking pathways toward strategic vigilance and collaborative security in an increasingly contested domain.

Recent Developments and Escalating Tensions: A concerning incident reported by Reuters on February 19, 2024, involved Chinese coast guard personnel boarding a Taiwanese tourist boat near the Taiwan-controlled Kinmen islands. This escalation, following China’s announcement to strengthen law enforcement activity in the area, highlights the growing tensions near these frontline islands. The Taiwanese coast guard’s response, calling for peace and rationality, reflects the precarious balance in the region (“China coast guard boarded Taiwanese boat near frontline islands, Taiwan says,” Reuters, by Yimou Lee and Ben Blanchard).

Simultaneously, the rapid military buildup by China, described by U.S. Navy Adm. John Aquilino as unprecedented since World War II, brings into sharp focus the strategic timeline that China might be operating under. Aquilino’s warning, as reported by Matthew Loh in Insider on March 20, 2024, that China could be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027, demands a reassessment of strategic priorities and preparedness measures (“China is building its military on a ‘scale not seen since WWII’ and is on track to be able to invade Taiwan by 2027: US admiral,” Insider).

Implications for the Navy: These developments highlight the imperative for the U.S. Navy to enhance its strategic readiness and adaptability. The prospect of increased confrontations in the South China Sea, combined with the looming possibility of a more significant conflict over Taiwan, necessitates a robust and forward-looking naval strategy. This strategy must account for the multifaceted nature of modern warfare, encompassing not just traditional military capabilities but also cyber, space, and information domains.

The Role of Alliances and Diplomacy: In navigating these turbulent waters, the strength and cohesion of international alliances have never been more critical. Diplomatic efforts must be intensified to de-escalate tensions, promote conflict resolution, and ensure the freedom of navigation in international waters. Building on shared values and mutual security interests, the U.S. must work closely with its allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific to present a united front against unilateral actions that undermine regional stability and international norms.

Advocating for Preparedness and Diplomatic Engagement: As tensions rise, “Americans for a Stronger Navy” advocates for a dual approach that emphasizes both preparedness and diplomatic engagement. Increased investment in the Navy, aimed at ensuring readiness for any contingency, must go hand in hand with a renewed commitment to diplomacy and international cooperation. By fostering open dialogue and collaborative security initiatives, we can work towards a future where peace and stability prevail in the Indo-Pacific and beyond.

Conclusion: The incident near the Kinmen islands and China’s pronounced military buildup serve as stark reminders of the evolving security landscape in the South China Sea and the broader Indo-Pacific region. As we continue to chart our course through these challenging waters, a balanced approach that prioritizes strategic readiness, reinforced alliances, and diplomatic efforts will be essential in safeguarding the principles of freedom and stability that underpin global maritime security.

Charting the Course: Navigating the Future of U.S. Naval Power in the Face of Chinese Challenges

Chineese Navy guided-missile destroyer Xian – USNavy


In the “Charting the Course – Navigating the Future of Naval Power” series, we turn our attention to a pressing concern that has significant implications for global security and naval strategy: the potential risks posed by China’s growing assertiveness. Today, we delve into insights from leading experts and military officials who shed light on China’s strategic maneuvers and their impact on the future of naval power.

Why This Matters

The evolving dynamics of global power, particularly China’s ambitious geopolitical agenda, present complex challenges that demand careful consideration and strategic foresight. Understanding these challenges is crucial for formulating robust defense strategies that ensure peace, promote diplomacy, and maintain the freedom of the seas.

Implications for the Navy

The potential for conflict with China, particularly concerning Taiwan and the South China Sea, underscores the need for a well-prepared and resilient naval force. The insights from military leaders, such as Gen. Mike Minihan’s stark prediction of a possible war with China in 2025, highlight the urgency of readiness and the importance of strategic clarity in the face of emerging threats.

Escalating Tensions and Provocative Rhetoric: A Case in Point

As we navigate the intricate challenges posed by China’s strategic ambitions, specific instances underscore the need for vigilance and strategic prudence. A recent example is the provocative suggestion by Col. Dai Xu, a senior Chinese Air Force official, advocating for aggressive tactics against U.S. warships operating in the South China Sea, a region where Beijing asserts expansive territorial claims. During a panel discussion, Col. Dai proposed that in response to U.S. freedom of navigation operations, which challenge China’s claims, Chinese warships should not only intercept but also consider ramming U.S. vessels to deter their presence in these contested waters.

This rhetoric, though reflective of nationalist sentiments, is significant given Col. Dai’s position within the Chinese military and the publication of his remarks by state-controlled media, suggesting a level of endorsement or at least, tolerance by the Chinese government. Such statements, coupled with the ongoing militarization of the South China Sea by China, exemplify the type of confrontational posture that complicates diplomatic efforts and emphasizes the importance of a well-prepared naval force capable of ensuring peace and stability in international waters.

Moreover, Col. Dai’s hawkish stance extends to Taiwan, highlighting the potential for escalated tensions that could have broader implications for regional and even global security. The suggestion of forced reunification with Taiwan, regardless of economic consequences, adds another layer of complexity to the strategic landscape the U.S. Navy and its allies must navigate.

Advocating for Peace, Diplomacy, and Preparedness

In light of such developments, “Americans for a Stronger Navy” reiterates its commitment to advocating for peace and diplomacy as the cornerstone of international relations. We recognize that while diplomatic efforts are paramount, the realities on the ground — exemplified by the rhetoric and actions of figures like Col. Dai Xu — necessitate a posture of readiness and strategic foresight.

Expert Perspectives

  • In “Are China and the Philippines on a Collision Course?” from the United States Institute of Peace, authors Dean Cheng, Carla Freeman, Ph.D., Brian Harding, and Andrew Scobell, Ph.D., explore the escalating tensions in the South China Sea. They emphasize the need for a strong naval presence to deter aggression and maintain regional stability.
  • “How Primed for War Is China?” by Michael Beckley and Hal Brands in Foreign Policy examines the likelihood of China initiating conflict, particularly over Taiwan. They argue that risk indicators for such a conflict are alarmingly evident, necessitating a vigilant and prepared naval response.
  • Kyle Bass, in his CNBC piece “China hawk says Beijing could attack Taiwan by 2024, bringing ‘war to the West’,” discusses the potential for China to assert control over Taiwan by force. Bass’s insights underscore the strategic importance of naval power in deterring aggression and protecting democratic values.
  • The insights from Col Grant Newsham (Retd.) in “Friends of China have huge influence on Capitol Hill: Grant Newsham” published in The Sunday Guardian, delve into the multifaceted nature of China’s strategy, including political warfare and economic leverage. Newsham’s analysis reveals the depth of China’s influence and the critical need for a unified and strategic response to safeguard national and global interests.

Advocating for Peace, Diplomacy, and Preparedness

While we steadfastly support the principles of peace and diplomacy, the realities of the current geopolitical landscape necessitate a posture of preparedness. We advocate for increased investment in the Navy, not as a means to provoke conflict but as a vital component of a comprehensive strategy to deter aggression, support diplomatic efforts, and uphold international law. This balanced approach ensures that our naval forces remain capable guardians of peace and stability in an increasingly uncertain world.


As we navigate the challenges posed by China’s strategic ambitions, the insights from esteemed experts and military officials provide valuable guidance. Through informed dialogue and strategic investment in our naval capabilities, we can chart a course toward a future where peace, freedom, and security prevail. Engaging with these complex issues is not only a matter of national security but a commitment to the principles that define us as a nation and a global community.

Rising Tides of Tension: The Strategic Standoff at Scarborough Shoal and Its Implications for U.S. Naval Power

China claims the Scarborough Shoal, although it is inside the Philippines’ 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone. An international arbitration tribunal in the Hague said in 2016 that China’s claims had no legal basis – a decision Beijing has rejected according to press reports by Reuters


Bill Cullifer, Founder

In light of recent developments in the South China Sea, particularly the installation of a floating barrier at the entrance of Scarborough Shoal, our ongoing coverage seeks to delve deeper into the escalating maritime tensions between the Philippines and China. This strategic waterway, vital for international trade and rich in natural resources, continues to be a flashpoint in regional geopolitics, affecting not just the immediate stakeholders but also global maritime norms and security.

Following Our Coverage

Building on our previous discussions around the strengthening of maritime alliances and the pivotal role of the U.S. Navy in maintaining a balance of power in the Indo-Pacific, today’s focus shifts to a more granular incident that epitomizes the complexities of sovereignty disputes in these waters.

The Scarborough Shoal is one of Asia’s most contested maritime features and a flashpoint for diplomatic flare-ups over sovereignty and fishing rights. Here is what you need to know about the hotly contested area.

The recent satellite imagery revealing a floating barrier, presumably installed by China, at a critical juncture of the Scarborough Shoal, underscores the tactical maneuvers being employed to assert territorial claims.

Why Should Americans Care

The South China Sea is a linchpin in global maritime trade, with a significant portion of the world’s commerce transiting through its waters. Any disruption or militarization in this region poses a direct threat to international shipping routes, potentially escalating into broader conflicts that could involve U.S. interests and allies. Moreover, the principles at stake, including freedom of navigation and adherence to international law, are foundational to the global maritime order that the United States has long championed.

Implications for the U.S. Navy

For the U.S. Navy, these developments represent both a challenge and a call to action. Ensuring freedom of navigation in the South China Sea requires not just a robust naval presence but also a nuanced strategy that balances deterrence with diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions. The situation at Scarborough Shoal, and the broader territorial disputes in the region, test the U.S. Navy’s capability to uphold international norms, support allies, and engage in a strategic competition with China.

This independent story not only continues our coverage of the critical issues at play in the South China Sea but also highlights why these developments matter to Americans and the implications for U.S. naval strategy. By focusing on a specific incident within the larger narrative, we aim to provide our readers with a clearer understanding of the stakes involved and the importance of sustained attention and engagement with maritime security issues.

A Sea of Tensions: Understanding the South China Sea Dispute and America’s Naval Imperative

Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) sets anchors in Manila, Philippines. USS Carl Vinson is in the Philippines for a port visit, supporting operational readiness and regional partnerships.

To Members and Friends,

In these rapidly evolving times, the strategic landscape of the South China Sea is more critical than ever to our national security and maritime interests. Recent events in this region, coupled with the burgeoning naval capabilities of our potential adversaries, underline the urgency of our mission at “Americans for a Stronger Navy.”

Rising Tensions in the South China Sea

The South China Sea, a hub of global maritime traffic and rich in resources, has become a focal point for international power dynamics. The U.S. and China have conducted significant military exercises in these waters, signaling the area’s strategic importance. This tense atmosphere was further amplified by a recent collision involving Philippine and Chinese vessels near a disputed reef, highlighting the area’s volatility.

China’s Escalating Naval Dominance

As reported in the Jan. 2 issue of the Wall Street Journal by Seth G. Jones of CSIS, the Chinese navy’s expansion is a cause for concern. Not limited to the sheer number of ships, China’s ominous growth in shipbuilding capacity is particularly alarming. With a staggering capacity of 23 million tons, one Chinese shipyard on Changxing Island alone surpasses the combined capacity of all U.S. shipyards. This disparity in shipbuilding capabilities is a stark reminder of the challenges we face in maintaining our naval strength and readiness.

Global Defense Spending: A Comparative Analysis

In the shadow of these developments, nations like Japan have significantly increased their defense budgets in response to Chinese expansionism.

Japan’s defense allocation now stands at USD 47.7 billion, a 16.5% increase. However, when compared to China’s defense expenditure of USD 292 billion in 2022 (as reported by SIPRI), the imbalance becomes evident.

The United States, with a defense budget of $877 billion, continues to lead in absolute terms, but when viewed as a percentage of GDP, our current spending of 3% is notably lower than historical highs during previous administrations.

Why Should America Care

The implications of these developments extend far beyond the territorial disputes of the South China Sea. They touch upon fundamental aspects of international law, freedom of navigation, and the global balance of power. The United States, with its longstanding commitment to these principles, must view the situation in the South China Sea as a barometer for broader geopolitical shifts.


In light of Seth G. Jones’ report and the ongoing developments in the South China Sea, it’s evident that our mission is more pertinent than ever. The gap in shipbuilding capacity, coupled with the varying levels of defense expenditure globally, highlights the need for a robust and forward-looking U.S. naval strategy. We must advocate for the resources and policies necessary to ensure that our Navy remains capable of meeting these emerging challenges.

As we face these uncertain times, your support and engagement with “Americans for a Stronger Navy” are invaluable. Together, we stand vigilant, advocating for a Navy that is not only strong today but is prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

For Freedom and Security,
Americans for a Stronger Navy

Revealed Seas: How Hidden Maritime Activities Impact Naval Strategy and Ocean Security


In the vast expanse of our oceans, a groundbreaking discovery has been made, shedding light on what has been hidden in plain sight. A recent study by Global Fishing Watch, backed by Google, has unveiled an astonishing level of previously untracked human activity at sea, posing significant implications for maritime policy, environmental conservation, and national security.

Unveiling the Unseen

Researchers utilized AI and satellite data to reveal that a staggering 72 to 76 percent of the world’s industrial fishing vessels, along with a significant portion of transport and energy vessel activity, were not being tracked by public systems. This study, involving a massive analysis of 2 million gigabytes of satellite imagery across six continents, highlights the collaboration among Global Fishing Watch, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Duke University, UC Santa Barbara, and SkyTruth. The findings also showed a large presence of ‘dark fleets’ in marine protected areas and in countries previously believed to have minimal vessel activity.

Why This Matters

The discovery of such a high number of ‘dark vessels’ raises critical concerns about overfishing, illegal activities, and the environmental impact of unregulated maritime operations. The study revealed a stark discrepancy in fishing activity between Asia and Europe, illustrating the scale of unmonitored fishing activities and the need for improved surveillance and tracking systems

Implications for the Navy

This revelation has several key implications for naval operations:

  1. Enhanced Surveillance and Security: Adapting surveillance techniques to effectively monitor these vessels is crucial for maritime security.
  2. Maritime Domain Awareness: The data aids in understanding traffic patterns and deploying naval resources more effectively.
  3. Environmental Protection Role: The Navy could enforce environmental regulations at sea.
  4. International Collaboration: The findings highlight the importance of global cooperation in maritime surveillance.
  5. Technological Advancements: This could inspire the use of similar AI and satellite imagery technologies in naval operations.

Should Americans Care?

Absolutely. The security and sustainability of our oceans have direct impacts on national security, economic stability, and environmental health. The study’s technology can be used to combat climate change, improving estimates of greenhouse gas emissions at sea and guiding wind development.


The open data and technology used in the study can help governments, researchers, and civil society to identify hotspots of potentially illegal activity, determine where industrial fishing vessels may be encroaching on artisanal fishing grounds, or simply better understand vessel traffic in their waters. Supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies, National Geographic Pristine Seas, Oceankind, and Google, this study marks the beginning of a new era in ocean management and transparency.

This study is a wake-up call to the hidden realities of our oceans and a call to action for enhanced global maritime governance and technological advancements in ocean monitoring.

Fortifying Alliances: Philippine-US Naval Drills Amid South China Sea Tensions

US Navy Photo

The Philippine and US Navy have initiated high-stakes joint maritime drills in the South China Sea, as regional tensions with China continue to escalate. This marks a significant step in defense cooperation between the two nations.

Joint Maritime Exercise Details

The drills, starting on January 3, 2024, are the second such exercise in less than two months, highlighting the increasing frequency and intensity of military cooperation in the face of Chinese assertiveness in the region. Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has been actively strengthening defense ties with the US, as well as other allies like Japan and Australia, in response to China’s expansive claims over the South China Sea.

NHK World-Japan has confirmed that the Philippines and the United States began a two-day joint patrol in the South China Sea, underscoring the ongoing dispute in the region​​.

The Japan Times has reported that China conducted navy and air force patrols in the South China Sea, coinciding with the maritime drills by the U.S. and the Philippines in the same

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi has expressed concerns over these developments, indicating “serious difficulties” in Beijing-Manila relations. The exercises included a variety of naval maneuvers and operations, involving multiple vessels and aircraft from both nations, aimed at enhancing interoperability and sending a strong message about the commitment to a rules-based international order and a free and open Indo-Pacific region.


  1. Increased Frequency of Drills: The recent exercises underscore a growing pattern of joint military operations in the region.
  2. Strengthening Alliances: The Philippines is actively enhancing defense relations with the US and other regional powers.
  3. China’s Reaction: China’s response to these drills indicates a growing concern and potential diplomatic strain with the Philippines.
  4. Focus on a Rules-based Order: The drills are a clear message to uphold international maritime laws and freedom of navigation in the contested waters.

The joint maritime exercises between the Philippines and the US represent a significant development in regional defense dynamics. They not only demonstrate the robustness of the Philippine-US alliance but also signify a broader commitment to maintaining stability and a rules-based order in the South China Sea amidst rising tensions.

Balancing Naval Power: The Role and Relevance of Small Combat Ships in a Modern Navy

Small Ship, Big Impact? Reevaluating the Navy’s Approach to Vessel Size.


To the esteemed members and subscribers of Americans for a Stronger Navy,

In our continued endeavor to promote an educated dialogue surrounding the strength and direction of our nation’s naval forces, we bring forward an opinion piece recently penned by Craig Hooper for Forbes.

The piece titled “U.S. Navy Turns Away From Small Warships Despite Growing Demand, Tactical Relevance” delves into the Navy’s decision to shift focus away from small combat-oriented ships, despite their apparent global demand and tactical significance.

This is a topic of paramount importance, as the balance between small and large naval vessels has implications for our tactical flexibility, regional engagements, and how we project power and diplomacy on the global stage.

Key Takeaways:

Departure from Small Ships:

Hooper discusses the U.S. Navy’s move away from managing small combatants, such as the Cyclone class coastal patrol ships. This responsibility has now been transferred to the U.S. Coast Guard, which is grappling with its own challenges.

Global Interest in Small Vessels:

There seems to be a discrepancy between the U.S. Navy’s stance and the rest of the world. Many allies have shown keen interest in the U.S. Navy’s Cyclone class ships. This interest juxtaposes the Navy’s lack of enthusiasm to invest in small craft.

Unprecedented Elimination:

The wholesale removal of small combat-oriented ships from the U.S. Navy is a historical shift. Currently, the Naval Vessel Register lists only ten battle force ships under 2400-tons.

Differing Perspectives:

While the U.S. Navy finds smaller vessels vulnerable against adversaries like China, other nations seem to be taking a different stance. The South China Sea, for instance, has seen small ship engagements, with countries like the Philippines commissioning former U.S. Navy’s Cyclone class ships.

The Robot Replacements:

There’s a hint of an inclination to look towards maritime robots. While valuable, Hooper believes that they can’t yet replace the human-led missions of crewed small ships.

The Coast Guard’s Role:

With the Navy shifting its focus, the Coast Guard has been compelled to pick up the slack, despite its distinct and diverse mission set.


We are grateful to Dr. Craig Hooper for shedding light on this evolving aspect of our naval strategy. While his perspective provides valuable insights, it’s crucial to remember the foundational principle of the Americans for a Stronger Navy: the belief in a robust, versatile, and adequately equipped naval force.

Both small and large vessels have their unique tactical and strategic advantages. As we advocate for a stronger Navy, it’s essential to understand the role of every ship, large or small, in ensuring America’s maritime supremacy.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment. Let’s foster an informed conversation, ensuring the best future for our Navy.

Strengthening the US Navy: Safeguarding American Interests at Sea

In a recent incident that highlights the increasing assertiveness of Beijing in the South China Sea, a Chinese warship narrowly avoided colliding with the USS Chung-Hoon, an American destroyer according to press reports.

As Americans for a Stronger Navy, we recognize the significance of such incidents and the need to address the challenges facing our naval forces. This article delves into the debate surrounding the shipbuilding of US naval vessels and explores the arguments for and against allowing them to be built elsewhere. By examining this issue, we aim to inform and inspire our readers, reinforcing the importance of a strong and self-sufficient US Navy.

This article discusses a near-collision between a Chinese warship and the USS Chung-Hoon, emphasizing the aggressive military maneuvers of Beijing in the South China Sea. The incident occurred during a joint Canada-US mission sailing through the Taiwan Strait. Such confrontations underscore the critical role of the US Navy and the necessity to address the challenges faced by American naval forces. The article further explores the ongoing debate about where US naval ships should be built, offering insights from both sides of the argument.

The Incident in the South China Sea:
During a joint Canada-US mission, a Chinese warship came within 150 yards of the USS Chung-Hoon, nearly causing a collision. The encounter exemplifies the increasingly provocative actions of Beijing in the South China Sea.

The Importance of a Strong US Navy:
A robust US Navy is vital to ensuring national security and protecting American interests worldwide. The ability to project power, maintain freedom of navigation, and respond to global threats relies on a strong and capable naval force.

The Debate: Building US Naval Ships Elsewhere:
There is an ongoing debate regarding whether US naval ships should be built exclusively in the United States or if the law should be changed to allow for construction in other locations. Proponents argue that building ships abroad could reduce costs and increase efficiency, while opponents emphasize the need to preserve domestic shipbuilding capabilities and ensure national security.

Balancing Costs and National Security:
Advocates for building naval ships overseas argue that cost savings and access to specialized expertise could enhance the fleet’s capabilities. However, opponents emphasize the strategic importance of maintaining domestic shipbuilding capacity, which supports jobs, protects sensitive technologies, and ensures national sovereignty.

Key Takeaways:

The incident between the Chinese warship and the USS Chung-Hoon underscores the need for a strong US Navy capable of protecting American interests and maintaining global stability.
The debate surrounding the location of shipbuilding for US naval vessels raises important considerations about costs, efficiency, national security, and domestic job creation.
Americans for a Stronger Navy advocates for the preservation of domestic shipbuilding capabilities to ensure national sovereignty and maintain the strength of the US Navy.

The incident in the South China Sea serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of a strong and self-sufficient US Navy. Americans for a Stronger Navy believes that preserving domestic shipbuilding capabilities is essential to safeguarding national security, supporting American jobs, and protecting sensitive technologies. We urge our readers to join us in our mission and support a robust US Navy that can effectively respond to global challenges, uphold freedom of navigation, and protect American interests at sea and beyond. Together, we can ensure a safer and more prosperous future for our nation.