Fleet Forward: Charting Tomorrow’s Navy: Episode 2: The Budgetary Challenge of Naval Shipbuilding

Bill Cullifer, Founder

Welcome back to Fleet Forward: Charting Tomorrow’s Navy, a podcast series that explores the challenges and opportunities facing the US Navy in the 21st century. 

With this series, inspired by our shared values and patriotic spirit, we aim to complement our upcoming December podcast series ‘Charting the Course: Navigating the Future of American Naval Power’

In the previous episode, we introduced the series and explained why we decided to create it. We also discussed the format and the content of the series, and how we hope to provide you with insightful and informative analysis and commentary on the issues and trends that shape the Navy’s present and future.

The Budgetary Challenge of Naval Shipbuilding

In this episode, we will focus on one of the most important and contentious issues facing the Navy: the budgetary challenge of naval shipbuilding. How much does it cost to build a Navy? How do we balance the need for a larger and more capable fleet with the reality of fiscal constraints and competing priorities? How do we ensure that our naval force is ready and relevant for the 21st century?

These are some of the questions that we will explore in this episode, as we examine the Navy’s shipbuilding plan for fiscal year 2024, which presents three alternatives for the future fleet, each with different costs and capabilities. We will also explore how the Congressional Budget Office and Brent Sadler have critiqued the Navy’s plan and offered alternative perspectives on how to optimize the Navy’s budget and capabilities. We will also delve into the stories and people behind the Navy’s shipbuilding strategies, and reflect on their implications for our national security, economic vitality, and our role on the global stage. 

The Stakeholders and Perspectives of Naval Strategy

Today we ’ll not only delve into the Navy’s shipbuilding strategies but also the stories and people behind them, reflecting on our national security, economic vitality, and our role on the global stage.


In this episode, we will examine the fiscal landscape of naval procurement, focusing on the budgetary challenges and trade-offs that the Navy faces in pursuing its shipbuilding plans. We will also explore how the CBO and Sandler have critiqued the Navy’s strategies and offered alternative perspectives on how to optimize the Navy’s budget and capabilities.

The Navy’s Shipbuilding Budget

The Navy’s shipbuilding budget is the primary source of funding for acquiring new ships and maintaining the existing fleet. The budget is determined by the Navy’s long-term shipbuilding plan, which outlines the desired size, composition, and capabilities of the future fleet, as well as the projected costs and schedules for each ship class. The plan is updated annually and submitted to Congress as part of the President’s budget request.

The current shipbuilding plan, released in December 2022, covers the period from 2023 to 2052 and aims to achieve a fleet of 355 ships by 2035 and 400 ships by 2052. The plan also introduces the DDG(X) program, which is intended to replace the aging Arleigh Burke-class destroyers with a more advanced and capable design. The plan estimates that the Navy will need an average of $33 billion per year (in 2022 dollars) for shipbuilding over the next 30 years, which is 50 percent more than the historical average of $22 billion per year over the past 30 years.

The CBO’s Analysis of the Navy’s Shipbuilding Plan

The CBO, an independent and nonpartisan agency that provides budgetary and economic analysis to Congress, has conducted a detailed assessment of the Navy’s shipbuilding plan and its implications for the federal budget and the Navy’s capabilities. The CBO’s report, released in October 2023, raises several issues and challenges with the plan, such as:

•  The plan’s cost estimates are optimistic and likely to increase over time, due to factors such as inflation, technical risks, and schedule delays. The CBO projects that the plan will actually cost an average of $40 billion per year (in 2022 dollars) for shipbuilding over the next 30 years, which is 21 percent more than the Navy’s estimate and 82 percent more than the historical average.

•  The plan’s funding requirements are unsustainable and unrealistic, given the competing demands and constraints on the federal budget. The CBO estimates that the plan will consume an average of 13 percent of the total defense budget over the next 30 years, which is significantly higher than the historical average of 9 percent. The plan will also require increasing the Navy’s share of the defense budget from 28 percent in 2022 to 34 percent in 2052, which will likely entail reducing the funding for other military services or increasing the overall defense budget.

•  The plan’s fleet size and composition goals are ambitious and questionable, given the operational and strategic environment. The CBO questions the rationale and feasibility of achieving a 400-ship fleet by 2052, which would be the largest fleet since the end of World War II. The CBO also suggests that the plan may not adequately account for the changing nature of naval warfare and the emergence of new threats and technologies, such as cyberattacks, hypersonic weapons, and unmanned systems.

The CBO’s report concludes that the Navy’s shipbuilding plan is not a viable or effective strategy for meeting the nation’s naval needs and recommends that the Navy and Congress reconsider the plan’s assumptions, objectives, and priorities. The CBO also offers some alternative shipbuilding scenarios that would achieve different fleet sizes and compositions at lower costs than the Navy’s plan.

Sandler’s Critique of the Navy’s Shipbuilding Plan

Sandler, a former U.S. Naval Captain and author of U.S. Power in the 21st Century, has also published a blog post in November 2023, criticizing the Navy’s shipbuilding plan and proposing a different approach to naval strategy and shipbuilding. Sandler’s main arguments are:

•  The Navy’s shipbuilding plan is based on a flawed and outdated paradigm of naval power, which emphasizes quantity over quality, platforms over payloads, and conventional over asymmetric warfare. Sandler argues that the Navy is stuck in a Cold War mentality and fails to adapt to the changing realities and challenges of the 21st century, such as the rise of China, the proliferation of anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) capabilities, and the diffusion of power and influence.

•  The Navy’s shipbuilding plan is wasteful and inefficient, as it invests in expensive and vulnerable ships that are not suited for the current and future threat environment. Sandler singles out the DDG(X) program as an example of a misguided and unnecessary project, which he calls a “gold-plated boondoggle” that will cost billions of dollars and provide marginal benefits. Sandler contends that the DDG(X) is a redundant and obsolete design that will be outmatched by cheaper and more effective weapons and systems, such as missiles, drones, and submarines.

•  The Navy’s shipbuilding plan is counterproductive and dangerous, as it provokes and escalates tensions with potential adversaries, especially China, and undermines the stability and security of the international order. Sandler warns that the Navy’s pursuit of a 400-ship fleet and the DDG(X) program will trigger a naval arms race and increase the risk of conflict and miscalculation in the Indo-Pacific region. Sandler also cautions that the Navy’s plan will alienate and weaken the U.S.’s allies and partners, who may not share the same vision or interests as the U.S. and may not be willing or able to contribute to the Navy’s ambitious and costly goals.

Sandler’s blog post concludes that the Navy’s shipbuilding plan is a strategic blunder and a fiscal disaster that will undermine the U.S.’s naval power and global leadership. Sandler advocates for a radical shift in the Navy’s mindset and approach, which he calls “smart power”. Sandler’s smart power concept is based on four principles:

•  Quality over quantity: The Navy should focus on developing and acquiring fewer but more capable and versatile ships that can deliver multiple effects and missions across the spectrum of conflict.

•  Payloads over platforms: The Navy should prioritize investing in and deploying advanced and adaptable weapons and systems, such as missiles, drones, and cyber capabilities, that can enhance the lethality and survivability of the existing and future fleet.

•  Asymmetric over conventional warfare: The Navy should embrace and exploit the opportunities and advantages of asymmetric warfare, such as stealth, speed, deception, and innovation, that can offset and counter the A2/AD capabilities of potential adversaries.

•  Cooperation over competition: The Navy should seek and strengthen cooperation and coordination with the U.S.’s allies and partners, as well as engage and deter potential adversaries, through diplomacy, deterrence, and dialogue, rather than confrontation, coercion, and conflict.


In this episode, we have explored the fiscal landscape of naval procurement and the budgetary challenges and trade-offs that the Navy faces in pursuing its shipbuilding plans. We have also examined how the CBO and Sandler have critiqued the Navy’s strategies and offered alternative perspectives on how to optimize the Navy’s budget and capabilities. In the next episode, we will delve into the technological advancements and design considerations in modern shipbuilding, with a spotlight on the DDG(X) program. Stay tuned for more insights and analyses on the Navy’s path forward.



US Sends Powerful Message of Deterrence to Iran and Its Allies with Nuclear Submarine in Middle East

A picture shared by US Central Command appears to show a guided missile submarine in the Suez Canal passing under the Al Salam Bridge northeast of Cairo.


As Americans for a Stronger Navy, we stand with our brave sailors and Marines who are serving in the Middle East amid the ongoing turmoil and violence. We salute their courage and dedication to protect our nation and our allies from the threats posed by those that would harm us and we pray for their safety.

In a rare and bold move, the US military announced on Sunday that an Ohio-class guided missile submarine had arrived in the Middle East, a clear message of deterrence to our regional adversaries according to press reports.

The Ohio-class submarines are among the most formidable weapons in the US arsenal, capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles, each with a 1,000-pound high-explosive warhead. These submarines can deliver a lot of firepower very rapidly and accurately, and no opponent of the US can ignore their presence.

The announcement of the submarine’s arrival in the Middle East is unusual and significant, as the US military rarely discloses the movements or operations of its fleet of ballistic and guided missile subs. The deployment comes as the Biden administration is trying to avoid a broader conflict amid the Israel-Hamas war, and to prevent Iran and its allies from opening new fronts against Israel or attacking US bases and interests in the region.

The submarine’s location and range suggest that it is focused on the threats in and around the Mediterranean, where Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group backed by Iran, has fired rockets and drones at northern Israel, and exchanged fire with Israeli forces on the border.

The submarine could also target the Houthi rebels in Yemen, another Iran-supported group that has launched missiles and drones at Israel from across the Red Sea.

Additionally, the submarine could deter or respond to any aggression from Iran itself, or from its proxies in Syria and Iraq, where they have been firing rockets and drones at US military bases.

The presence of the submarine in the Middle East has important implications for the regional security and stability, as it demonstrates the US commitment and resolve to defend its allies and interests, and to deter or retaliate against any attack.

The submarine also adds to the existing US naval assets in the area, including two carrier strike groups and an amphibious ready group, creating a formidable force that can project power and influence across the region. The submarine’s deployment could also affect the ongoing negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program, as it shows the US willingness and ability to use military force if diplomacy fails.

The submarine’s deployment demonstrates the US commitment and resolve to defend its allies and interests, and to deter or retaliate against any attack. The submarine also adds to the existing US naval assets in the area, creating a formidable force that can project power and influence across the region.

The Ohio-class submarines and the US Navy are vital for the national security and the global peace, as they protect our freedom, preserve our economic prosperity, and keep the seas open and free.

U.S. Has 4 Objectives in Middle East says DOD

The Defense Department currently has four lines of effort in the Middle East, said Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, who briefed the media today.

Protection of U.S. forces and citizens in the region.

Flow of critical security assistance to Israel as it defends against further Hamas terrorist attacks.
Coordination with the Israelis to help secure the release of hostages held by Hamas, to include American citizens.

Strengthening of force posture across the region to deter any state or nonstate actors from escalating the crisis beyond Gaza.

Strengthened force posture includes the deployment of the USS Gerald R. Ford and USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Groups, which are currently in the U.S. Central Command area, along with an Ohio-class submarine.

Over the past few weeks there have been attacks by Iranian proxy groups at al-Asad air base, Iraq, and al-Tanf, Syria, on U.S. forces there, Ryder said.

The attacks, by drones and missiles, resulted in several dozen injuries, including a mix of minor injuries and traumatic brain injuries, he said.

Some of those injured didn’t immediately report their condition, he said.

“The reporting data is highly dependent on self-reporting when individual injuries are not visually evident to medical personnel providing care directly following an incident,” he said.

As Americans for a Stronger Navy, we support and advocate for a strong and modern naval force that can meet the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

We urge you to join us in our mission and to help us spread the word about the importance and value of the US Navy. Together, we can make a difference for our nation and our world through peace by strength.

Fleet Forward: Charting Tomorrow’s Navy, USNavy, Destroyer Navy


Welcome to “Fleet Forward: Charting Tomorrow’s Navy,” a personal endeavor born from my commitment as your host Bill Cullifer, founder and former Destroyer Navy Sailor to ensure the enduring strength and capability of our Naval forces. With this series, inspired by our shared values and patriotic spirit, we aim to complement our upcoming December podcast series ‘Charting the Course: Navigating the Future of American Naval Power’. Here, we’ll not only delve into the Navy’s shipbuilding strategies but also the stories and people behind them, reflecting on our national security, economic vitality, and our role on the global stage.

The Importance of a Strong Navy

As we face evolving threats in an increasingly complex global landscape, a strong Navy is not just a matter of national pride—it is a crucial pillar of American security and global stability.

The Process of Naval Shipbuilding

Inspired by a blog post from Brent D. Sadler, former U.S. Naval Captain and author of U.S. Power in the 21st Century, Our journey will explore the labyrinthine process of designing, planning, and budgeting that goes into creating the Navy’s vessels, with a special emphasis on the cutting-edge DDG(X) program.

The Format of Our Series

This format ensures a cohesive presentation that begins with the “why” before diving into the “what” and “how” of the series content.

The Challenges and Opportunities of Naval Procurement

In the wake of the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) critical analysis and ensuing public debate sparked by commentary from experts like Brent Sadler, our series will untangle the complex web of factors influencing naval procurement decisions. We’ll dissect the multifaceted challenges of aligning strategic imperatives with fiscal responsibility, technological innovation with logistical practicality, and political ambition with operational necessity.

The Stakeholders and Perspectives of Naval Strategy

Each episode will feature voices from a spectrum of stakeholders—military officers, defense analysts, policymakers, industry experts, and academics—to illuminate the diverse perspectives that shape the Navy’s trajectory. From the drawing boards where the future of naval warfare begins to the congressional halls where budgets are debated and determined, we’ll provide you with a holistic view of what it takes to build a fleet capable of securing American interests on the global stage.

The DDG(X) Program

Our deep dive starts at the heart of controversy—the DDG(X) destroyer. As a linchpin of the Navy’s future force structure, this program epitomizes the technological ambition and the budgetary challenges inherent in modern naval shipbuilding. We’ll scrutinize its design process, how it fits into the broader naval architecture, and the strategic thinking that drives its development.

The Main Topics of Our Series

As we embark on this analytical voyage through the Navy’s shipbuilding endeavors, our series will navigate through eight key topics that capture the essence of the challenges and strategies underlying America’s naval future. We’ll be examining:

•  The overarching goals of the Navy’s shipbuilding plans and their strategic significance.

•  The fiscal landscape of naval procurement, including budgeting processes and cost control measures.

•  The technological advancements and design considerations in modern shipbuilding, with a spotlight on the DDG(X) program.

•  The industrial base and workforce development necessary for sustaining and advancing shipbuilding capabilities.

•  The geopolitical implications of naval power, focusing on the dynamics with near-peer competitors such as China.

•  Congressional oversight and legislative impact on Navy shipbuilding, including funding and authorization.

•  The operational requirements driving the composition and capability needs of the future fleet.

•  Alliances and partnerships, such as AUKUS, and their influence on U.S. shipbuilding plans and strategic positioning.


In our next episode, we will dissect the recent CBO report and expert critiques like those from Brent Sadler, setting the stage for a series that promises a thorough dissection of the Navy’s path forward. Each topic will build upon the last, creating a comprehensive narrative that brings clarity to the complex world of naval strategy and shipbuilding.

Join us as we steer through these topics with expert interviews, panel discussions, and in-depth analyses, providing a 360-degree view of what it takes to maintain a Navy capable of meeting tomorrow’s challenges.

Honoring the Brave: Remembering YN3 Shingo Alexander Douglass

Yeoman 3rd Class Shingo Douglass, a nHonoring the Brave: Remembering YN3 Shingo Alexander Douglassative from Oceanside, Calif., during a memorial service at the U.S. Navy Memorial hosted by Honor Flight Maine, Oct. 28, 2023.


The sea has always been an unforgiving frontier, demanding respect and vigilance from those who traverse its expanse. The men and women of the United States Navy stand as guardians over these waters, often paying the ultimate price in service to their nation. This truth was solemnly underscored as we gathered to honor the memory of Yeoman 3rd Class Shingo Alexander Douglass at the U.S. Navy Memorial.

Moment of Silence

Before delving into the heart of our narrative, let us observe a moment of silence. A moment to reflect on the sacrifice of YN3 Douglass and his six fellow sailors who perished on June 17, 2017, in the collision between the USS Fitzgerald (DDG 62) and the MV ACX Crystal.

Why This Matters

It is imperative to recognize these acts of valor and the profound losses that accompany them. In doing so, we not only honor the fallen but also reinforce the backbone of the values upon which our Navy and nation are built: courage, honor, and commitment.


The memorial service held on October 28, 2023, was not just an act of remembrance but also a testament to the enduring bonds of military service. It connected generations, from the World War II veterans to the family of YN3 Douglass—his father and grandfather, who have both known the weight of service and sacrifice.

Stephen Douglass, YN3’s father, eloquently captured the mix of pride and grief felt by those left behind, reminding us of the personal stories etched into the collective memory of our military heritage. His presence, along with that of Carl Douglass, a Purple Heart recipient, reminded us that service is often a shared family journey.

The Honor Flight Network plays a pivotal role in this narrative, enabling veterans to witness how their legacy is honored and remembered in the nation’s capital. The inscription of YN3 Douglass’s name on a seat at the Navy Memorial auditorium serves as a permanent reminder of his sacrifice.


As Americans for a Stronger Navy, we believe that every sailor’s story writes a part of our national identity. The memorial for YN3 Shingo Alexander Douglass serves as a bridge between past, present, and future sailors. It is a call to honor, to remember, and to ensure that the sacrifices made in service to our nation are never forgotten.

An official website of the United States government and programs like the Honor Flight are crucial in this mission.

Our sailors are the steel spine of our nation’s defense. In the memory of YN3 Douglass and all those who have served, let us strive to fortify that spine, ensuring a Navy—and a nation—that remains ever strong, vigilant, and worthy of their sacrifice.

The Lone Star Flight Museum: A Must-See Destination for Navy Lovers and WW2 History Buffs, A Testimonial by Dale A. Jenkins

Dale A. Jenkins, Senior Advisor – Americans for a Stronger Navy and son Dave Jenkins at Lone Star Flight Museum. Houston, Texas. They stand in front of a Douglas SBD Dauntless, a World War II American naval scout plane and dive bomber that was manufactured by Douglas Aircraft from 1940 through 1944.
Bill Cullifer, Founder

If you are a fan of aviation and history, you will love the Lone Star Flight Museum in Houston, says American for a Stronger Navy senior advisor, Dale A. Jenkins, a former Naval officer and author of Diplomats and Admirals, a book that explores the diplomatic and military aspects of World War II.

The museum displays more than 24 historically significant aircraft, and many artifacts related to the history of flight. Among its collection, there are several U.S. Navy planes that have served in various wars and missions, and tell the stories of courage and sacrifice of their pilots and crews.

Douglas SBD Dauntless is a World War II American naval scout plane and dive bomber that was manufactured by Douglas Aircraft from 1940 through 1944 sturdy enough for pilots to dive at a near-vertical 80 degrees. The US Navy’s primary dive-bomber at the war’s start, the bomber earned its reputation—and helped earn victory—at the 1942 Battle of Midway, sinking four Japanese carriers.

One of these planes is the Douglas SBD Dauntless, a dive bomber that played a crucial role in the Battle of Midway in 1942. The Dauntless was of particular interest to Dale, who has done extensive research on the Battle of Midway and the role of the Dauntless in turning the tide of the war in favor of the U.S. Dale said that it was touching to be there with his son, who shares his passion for aviation and history. “It was a wonderful experience to share with my son. He was fascinated by the planes and their stories,” said Dale.

Another plane is the Grumman F6F Hellcat, a fighter that dominated the skies over Iwo Jima and Okinawa. The plane on display at the museum was flown by David McCampbell, the Navy’s top ace of World War II, who shot down 34 enemy planes and received the Medal of Honor.

The Grumman F6F Hellcat is an American carrier-based fighter aircraft of World War II. Designed to replace the earlier F4F Wildcat and to counter the Japanese Mitsubishi A6M Zero, it was the United States Navy’s dominant fighter in the second half of the Pacific War.

The Grumman TBF Avenger (designated TBM[1] for aircraft manufactured by General Motors) is an American World War II-era torpedo bomber developed initially for the United States Navy and Marine Corps, and eventually used by several air and naval aviation services around the world.

A third plane is the Grumman TBM Avenger, a torpedo bomber that was flown by future president George H.W. Bush. The plane on display at the museum was flown by Paul Newman, a pilot who participated in the Battle of Leyte Gulf and was shot down by a kamikaze.

A fourth plane is the Douglas A-1 Skyraider, an attack aircraft that served in Korea and Vietnam. The plane on display at the museum was flown by Ed Olander, a pilot who flew over 200 combat missions and rescued a downed airman in enemy territory.

These are just some examples of the U.S. Navy planes that you can see and learn more about at the Lone Star Flight Museum. The museum also offers flight experiences for those who want to feel what it is like to fly in a vintage aircraft.

“The Lone Star Flight Museum is an amazing place to see and appreciate the history and heritage of U.S.Naval aviation. The planes are not only museum pieces, but also flying legends that inspire us to be stronger and better,” said Dale. “I highly recommend it to our members and friends of the Americans for a Stronger Navy and anyone who loves our Navy and our country.”

In early 2024, together with Dale, we will be shining a spotlight on the courageous pilots at Midway with our Wings of Victory series, which will feature interviews, stories, photos, videos, and more about these heroic aviators.

We owe the pilots at Midway and elsewhere a debt of gratitude for their service and sacrifice for our freedom and security.

If you are interested in visiting the Lone Star Flight Museum or learning more about our Wings of Victory series, you can find more information on on their website by clicking here.

Thank you for your support for a stronger Navy.

How the Navy’s Unmanned Boat Made History in the Middle East Region

An unmanned U.S. Navy vessel fired “lethal munitions” in international waters near the Middle East on Oct. 23, 2023.

Dear Members and Friends,

Some news that demonstrates the U.S. Navy’s unmatched capabilities and leadership in the maritime domain.

On October 23, 2023, an unmanned U.S. Navy vessel successfully fired lethal munitions in international waters in the Middle East, marking the first time such an exercise has been carried out in the region. This unprecedented drill, dubbed Digital Talon, was conducted by the Navy’s Task Force 59, a team focusing on unmanned and artificial intelligence technologies.

Why Unmanned Systems Matter

Unmanned systems are a key component of the Navy’s strategy to respond to the growing threats from China, Russia, Iran, and other adversaries in the maritime domain. Unmanned systems offer the Navy numerous advantages, such as:
• Reduced personnel and manpower requirements
• Reduced risk to personnel
• Lower operating costs
• Greater persistence and range
• Enhanced speed and accuracy of data processing
• Greater access to denied areas
• Faster decision cycle

By integrating unmanned systems with manned platforms and networks, the Navy can create true human-machine teaming that is ubiquitous across the fleet. These systems can enhance the Navy’s lethality, survivability, and agility in both peacetime and wartime operations.

How Digital Talon Worked

During Digital Talon, the Navy used a method called manned-unmanned teaming, which involves the coordination and collaboration between manned and unmanned assets to achieve a common objective. In this case, the objective was to identify and target simulated hostile forces using an unmanned surface vehicle (USV) equipped with a Lethal Miniature Aerial Missile System (LMAMS).

The USV, a MARTAC T-38 Devil Ray, was remotely controlled by a human operator ashore, who made the engagement decisions. The USV used its sensors and artificial intelligence to detect, track, and classify potential targets.

The USV then launched a missile from its LMAMS, which is a small, lightweight, and low-cost weapon system that can be mounted on various platforms. The missile successfully scored direct hits each time, destroying the target boat.

The entire process was overseen by Vice Adm. Brad Cooper, the commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, U.S. 5th Fleet, and Combined Maritime Forces. He praised the achievement as a significant step forward and a demonstration of the Navy’s next-level capabilities.

What This Means for th Future

Digital Talon is the second time in as many months that the Navy has successfully demonstrated its unmanned and artificial intelligence capabilities in the Middle East.

In September, the Navy used 12 different unmanned platforms to track Iranian Navy and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy ships and small boats over the course of several days. These exercises show that the Navy is not only developing and testing new technologies, but also applying them to real-world scenarios and challenges.

The Navy is committed to investing in advanced autonomy, robust networks, and unmanned systems to build a more lethal and distributed naval force for the future. The Navy is also working closely with its allies and partners to share best practices and lessons learned from these experiments. By doing so, the Navy is strengthening regional maritime security and enhancing deterrence against malign activity.

We at the Americans for a Stronger Navy are proud to support the Navy’s efforts to innovate and adapt to the changing security environment. We believe that unmanned systems are a vital part of the Navy’s arsenal and a force multiplier for our Sailors and Marines.

We urge you to join us in advocating for the continued funding and development of these systems, which will ensure the Navy’s dominance and readiness in the 21st century.
Thank you for your attention and support.

Legacy Reborn: The New USS Arizona and Its Historic Significance

USS Arizona is Navy Cmdr. Tom Digan,

Hello, everyone. Today, I have some exciting news to share with you: the U.S. Navy has named a captain for a new submarine named USS Arizona, the first ship to bear the name since the loss of the battleship at Pearl Harbor in 1941.

Why this matters

The USS Arizona battleship was one of the most iconic and tragic symbols of World War II. On December 7, 1941, it was attacked and sunk by Japanese aircraft, killing 1,177 sailors and Marines on board. The ship remains at the bottom of Pearl Harbor as a national memorial and a resting place for the fallen heroes.

The new USS Arizona is a Virginia-class nuclear submarine, which is the most advanced attack submarine in the world, with stealth, firepower, and maneuverability. The new USS Arizona is the first U.S. naval vessel to bear the name since the loss of the battleship at Pearl Harbor, and the second Block V boat, which will feature the Virginia Payload Module, enabling it to deliver a wider variety of capabilities.

The new USS Arizona was authorized for construction on December 2, 2019, and its keel was laid on December 7, 2022, at the Quonset Point Facility of General Dynamics Electric Boat in North Kingston, RI.

The sponsor for the new USS Arizona is Nikki Stratton, the granddaughter of Donald Stratton, a Seaman First Class aboard the battleship USS Arizona who survived the attack and reenlisted to serve in World War II. He died in February 2020 at the age of 97.

The first commanding officer of the new USS Arizona is Navy Cmdr. Tom Digan, who was named on October 30, 2023, marking the first time in over eight decades that the U.S. Navy has named a skipper for a ship of the same namesake.

What others are saying:

• Rear Adm. Jonathan Rucker, Program Executive Office, Attack Submarines: “The boats in this class are the most advanced attack submarines ever designed. Their stealth, firepower, and maneuverability are superior to every other attack submarine force in the world. Additionally, Arizona will be the first of the Virginia-class equipped with the Virginia Payload Module, enabling the submarine to deliver an even wider variety of capabilities.”

• Nikki Stratton, sponsor for the new USS Arizona: “The future is unknown. But one thing we do know is that the crew of SSN 803 will stand watch, patrolling the ocean’s depths … She will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies and become a beacon of hope.”

• Cmdr. Tom Digan, first commanding officer of the new USS Arizona: “It is an honor and privilege to be selected as commanding officer of Pre-Commissioning Unit Arizona. I am humbled by this opportunity to lead such an amazing crew as we bring this incredible warship to life.”

This news is a testament to the strength and resilience of our Navy and our nation. The new USS Arizona will carry on the legacy of its predecessor and honor its memory by defending our freedom and security.

I am proud and grateful for the new USS Arizona and its crew. I hope you are too.

Rediscovering the Battle of Midway: Unveiling History Beneath the Waves

The USS Yorktown was one of seven large vessels that sank during the Battle of Midway. Ocean Exploration Trust / NOAA

Introduction: Welcome to our latest post. Today, we dive into the depths of World War II history, exploring the pivotal Battle of Midway through the lens of recent underwater archaeological discoveries. This intriguing story, originally reported by Sarah Kuta for Smithsonian Magazine, offers fresh insights into one of the most significant naval battles of the 20th century.

The Battle of Midway: A Turning Point in WWII In June 1942, the Pacific Ocean was the stage for a critical showdown between American and Japanese forces. The Battle of Midway, lasting four intense days, turned the tide of the war in the Pacific. While it resulted in the tragic loss of lives and significant material damage on both sides, it marked a crucial victory for the United States and hindered Japanese expansion.

A Deep-Sea Voyage into History Recently, the non-profit Ocean Exploration Trust embarked on an ambitious project to explore the watery graves of three aircraft carriers from the battle: the USS Yorktown of the United States and the IJN Akagi and IJN Kaga of Japan. These explorations, taking place more than 16,000 feet below the surface within the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, are revealing new details about these historic vessels and the battle itself.

Exploring the Iconic Battle of Midway

Uncovering the Past: The Ocean Exploration Trust’s Findings Using advanced remotely operated underwater vehicles, researchers captured stunning images and videos of the wreckage. They were able to closely examine features like the anti-aircraft guns, still ominously pointing skyward, offering a glimpse into the battle’s final moments. Remarkably, this marked the first time the Akagi was seen since it sank, though it was located in 2019, and the first live observation of the Yorktown since its discovery in 1998.

Historical Context: The Strategic Importance of Midway The Battle of Midway, fought near Midway Atoll—a key U.S. naval base some 1,000 nautical miles northwest of Honolulu—was pivotal. U.S. codebreakers had deciphered Japanese messages, giving American forces a crucial advantage. This intelligence enabled them to thwart Japan’s plans to occupy Midway and use it as a base for further assaults, most notably against Pearl Harbor.

The Legacy of Midway: Remembering and Learning The underwater survey and the subsequent findings are more than just a technological achievement. They symbolize the enduring significance of the Battle of Midway in U.S.-Japanese relations, turning a once bitter conflict into a collaborative effort for understanding and remembrance. It’s a powerful reminder of how history shapes our present and future, encouraging us to honor the sacrifices made during those turbulent times.

Conclusion: As we reflect on these revelations from beneath the Pacific, it’s important to acknowledge the role such discoveries play in keeping history alive. The Battle of Midway remains a testament to the bravery, strategy, and sacrifice of those involved. In exploring these wrecks, we not only pay homage to the past but also learn invaluable lessons for the future.

Thank you for reading and for your continued support of the Americans for a Stronger Navy. We invite you to join us in exploring more of our naval history and its ongoing influence on current defense strategies.

Check out, “Wings of Victory: How Naval Aviators Transformed WWII from Battleships to the Skies and won the Pacific War” is a collaborative exploration into WWII with Dale A. Jenkins and the Americans for a Stronger Navy. A Blog Series. February 7. 2024. The cost is free. Click here for additional event detail and registration.

The Sinking Submarine Industrial Base: Voices That Matter

Bill Cullifer, Founder

This article draws heavily upon the insightful and meticulously researched paper by Emma Salisbury, who shed light on the intricate challenges and opportunities facing the U.S. submarine industrial base with remarkable clarity.

Submarines are indeed an integral part of the U.S. Navy’s future. Many agree that the United States needs more submarines if it is to deter China in the Indo-Pacific and maintain its maritime superiority. 

Submarines are stealthy, survivable, and lethal platforms that can operate in contested waters and deliver precision strikes, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and special operations.

However, the U.S. submarine industrial base is facing serious challenges that threaten its ability to deliver the submarines that the Navy needs on time and on budget. 

The submarine industrial base consists of two main shipbuilders — General Dynamics Electric Boat and Huntington Ingalls Industries’ Newport News Shipbuilding — and hundreds of suppliers across the country that provide parts, materials, and services for submarine construction and maintenance.

The submarine industrial base is struggling to keep up with the growing demand for submarines, which has increased from one Virginia-class attack submarine per year in 2012 to two per year in 2021, plus the addition of the Columbia-class ballistic missile submarine program, which is the Navy’s top acquisition priority.

The Navy has recognized the importance of stabilizing and strengthening the submarine industrial base and has taken some actions to address its challenges. However, these actions are not enough.

The submarine industrial base needs more support and investment from Congress, the Department of Defense (DoD), and from our view, especially from the American public if we’re going to get anywhere. Decisions surrounding our national defense and industrial capabilities shouldn’t just be left to policymakers in isolation.

In our history, we’ve seen time and again the profound impact public opinion and support can have on shaping policy decisions. For our submarine industrial base and broader naval defense, public support isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s the lynchpin.

While experts can identify problems and policymakers can draft solutions, it’s the collective will of the American people that determines our nation’s priorities. 

By becoming informed, involved, and vocal about the importance of a strong and capable Navy, the American public can be the driving force that ensures our naval defense remains robust and prepared for the challenges of the 21st century.

We echo the sentiments of urging Congress and DoD, and we further advocate for the American public to support and invest in the submarine industrial base.

Specifically, we need to:

  • Raise awareness of the imminent risks facing our naval defense. The U.S. Navy’s capability to deter potential threats, maintain maritime superiority, and ensure national security is at stake. Delays and shortcomings in our submarine and surface fleet programs could leave us vulnerable in a rapidly evolving global security environment. 
  • It’s essential to mobilize public support now for increased funding for both submarine and surface fleet programs alike, including infrastructure, support services, and the often overlooked but equally important logistics.
  • Invest in education and training in career techical education for shipyard building and management in areas such as welding pipefitting and for naval STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. Beyond immediate funding and infrastructural upgrades, there’s an underlying need to address the skills gap.

If you are interested in learning more about the industrial base, the need for education and training, or supporting our cause, you can find more information at StrongerNavy.org.

South China Sea: Biden says US will defend the Philippines if China attacks

Boats collide in South China Sea’s disputed waters. image from video from BBC.

Members and friends of the Americans for a Stronger Navy.

Today, I want to share with you a news story that is relevant and important for the future of U.S. naval power and our alliance with the Philippines.

Key takeaways

Biden warns China. President Joe Biden has warned China that the US will defend the Philippines in case of any attack in the disputed South China Sea. The comments come days after two collisions between Filipino and Chinese vessels in the contested waters. Mr Biden reiterated his “ironclad” defense commitment to the Philippines under the Mutual Defense Treaty, which binds the US and the Philippines to defend each other in the event of an armed attack.

Philippines contests China’s claims
The Philippines has contested China’s claims to most of the South China Sea, which are based on a vague historical map known as the nine-dash line. The Philippines has also cut floating barriers and invited media to film what it calls Beijing’s dangerous moves at sea. The Philippines says that China’s “dangerous manoeuvres” have led to a collision between a China coast guard ship and a Filipino supply boat, and another incident where a Chinese militia boat “bumped” a Philippine coast guard vessel. The Filipino boats were on their way to a crumbling navy warship that Manila has marooned at the Second Thomas Shoal to reinforce its claims.

Congress critical to AUKUS success
Mr Biden also urged Congress to approve this year legislative proposals related to AUKUS, the defense technology partnership with Australia and Britain that involves supplying Australia with nuclear-powered submarines. Mr Biden said that AUKUS would enhance the US-Australia-UK partnership in developing and sharing advanced technologies, such as cyber, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, and undersea capabilities. The legislative proposals include authorizing transfer of submarines to Australia, allowing maintenance of US submarines in Australia and Britain, authorizing Australian funding for US shipyards and training of Australian workers, and streamlining defense trade between AUKUS partners.

Why this matters

This news story matters because it shows that the US is committed to maintaining its presence and influence in the South China Sea, which is a vital waterway for global trade, security, and stability.

The South China Sea is also a flashpoint for potential conflict between China and its neighbors, especially the Philippines, which is an important strategic ally of the US. The US Navy has been conducting freedom of navigation operations and joint exercises with its allies and partners in the region to challenge China’s claims and actions.

The US has also been pursuing new initiatives, such as AUKUS, to enhance its naval capabilities and cooperation with its allies.

Why Americans should care

Americans should care about this news story because it affects their national interests and values. The South China Sea is not only a strategic waterway, but also a rich source of natural resources, such as fish, oil, gas, and minerals. The US has an interest in ensuring that these resources are shared equitably and peacefully among the claimant states, and not monopolized by China. The US also has an interest in upholding international law and norms, such as freedom of navigation and overflight, peaceful resolution of disputes, and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity. The US also has an interest in strengthening its alliances and partnerships in the region, such as with the Philippines, Australia, and Britain, which share its democratic values and vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific.

What others are saying

For: “I want to be clear — I want to be very clear: The United States’ defence commitment to the Philippines is ironclad. … Any attack on the Filipino aircraft, vessels or armed forces will invoke our Mutual Defense Treaty with the Philippines.” – Joe Biden

Against: “The United States has no right to get involved in a problem between China and the Philippines … Its actions must not hurt China’s sovereignty and maritime interests in the South China Sea.” – Mao Ning

Navy: “AUKUS contributes to building a more robust defense industrial base ecosystem that contributes to integrated deterrence; and … the submarine industrial base can and will support AUKUS.” – Mara Karlin